Quantized mute.
Toggle the mute state of a track in sync with pattern.
Also a great addition during performance.
Quantized mute.
Toggle the mute state of a track in sync with pattern.
Also a great addition during performance.
The ability to give sequences a name.
During a performance it can be quite a difficult task to keep sequences apart from each other. Giving them names would help. Being able to preview a name somehow.
+1 on custom scales or a new quantizer effect where you can choose which notes (or degrees of a scale) should be quantized to. Either this or allowing the note information (f.ex a chord) to be used as the notes that the CV input should be quantized to.
+1 on track “neighbour” effect so that coupling oscillator voices is easier
+1 on internal modulation
OK, as there is no possible way to play CV by MIDI when the track is muted and this is mandatory for my workflow (see my post in October last year), I switched back to the discontinued old Hermod as this issue (at least for me it is an issue) exists for several months now. If there will not come a firmware update soon and solve this, I will have to sell the Hermod+ again. Meanwhile, the old Hermod works better for me… sad… but glad not to have sold the old one already.
I feel you… although I have hermod+ I still need to use the old one, because the midi output is no longer a Midi effect as it used to be, but a per channel end of chain setting and that clashes with the core of my live system: (
Just about to upgrade to Hermod + and while not a deal breaker something I was hoping would be in the new version is the option to route fx out of either the CV, Gate or both outputs.
On the most basic level being able to play the EG effect out of the gate would negate the need for an additional EG module saving space in smaller cases.
On a more advanced level the ability to route effects out of both CV and Gate outputs will double potential modulation sources and allow for phase shifting LFO’s and even Quadrature over 2 channels.
Another feature that I think would be handy given the new improved form factor would be a drum track option which switches the track to a drum grid sequencer with ability to use the pads to program in realtime or select drums notes in step mode. Ableton Push style.
It would be great to have Hapax-style time elasticity!
And additional votes for:
I can’t guarantee the specs but I’m fairly sure the gate output is a binary output only. So your request wouldn’t be technically possible.
@visti brought this up in a separate thread, but I want to make sure it’s reflected here too.
My biggest feature request is a fast way to double the length of a pattern (including all the steps) without having to copy over each page manually. Thanks for considering this!
+1 for being able to play notes via Midi Keyboard while a track is muted! That was a very cool performance feature on the old hermod
Also, being able to send ENV & LFO to the CV Outs would be a cool feature, I think…
If you have a mono note track + aftertouch (2 voices) you can send the ENV or LFO to the CV out on the aftertouch track! See PSA: how to create VCA envelopes to go with a note track
This only works monophonically though. E.g if you have a polyphonic track layout, you still only get one aftertouch track even if you have multiple voices.
Another feature that would be cool to see is ‘track linking’ similar to how you can on Bard Quarter or even Malekko modules.
Hold one track, click another one to link it / instance it so that whatever you do on the first is replicated on the second.
Bump and +100 for better copy / paste functionality on effects or even just a shortcut that makes it quicker while composing. Sorry for the duplicate post, didn’t mean to remove the one above!
Sometimes the channel LED’s are hard to distinguish. When anything at all is being edited, the name of channel/track/seq etc. being edited should be displayed somewhere on the screen (ex: “P1” very small in upper right corner when inputting notes or otherwise editing a pattern).
Retention of previously entered notes when a pattern length is shortened, then lengthened again: Currently, if you make a 2 bar pattern filled with notes, then shorten it to 1 bar, all of the 2nd bar notes are erased. It would be awesome if all of the step data was retained, so that you could experiment with pattern length without losing your work
This may be getting a little nuts, but I could see it being fun: A “channel as external S+H/note quantizer mode”.
Hear me out.
External CV into input A, sampled when a trigger hits input B, then the sampled CV could be output at the selected channel’s CV Out, and the trigger/gate could be output at the selected channel’s Gate Out. If the Scale effect is applied to the channel, the incoming CV would be quantized according to the parameters of the Scale effect.
This feature would allow Hermod+ to play internally sequenced patterns alongside external generated patterns, acting exactly like a CV+trig>S+H>Quantizer module chain, leveraging the accuracy and consistency of Hermod+ CV outs and the wide choice of scales along with the “modularity” of generated note sequences, and allowing these generated sequences to be consistently in tune with the rest of the patterns sequenced on Hermod+.
“Not just an amazing sequencer, but also the world’s best sample+hold and note quantizer, perfectly in tune with your sequenced patterns”
I second this BIG TIME!
It does this already. If you go into the Track Settings > Inputs > Input CV = CV/GATE AB you can then send external CV into A and a Gate into B. From there you can apply any of the effects and output the effected CV & Gate from the Track outputs.
You can then go further and have another Track look to the same inputs but process them through the effects differently (eg: add +7 to the transpose parameter in the scale effect and you have a 2 note chord).
Thank you! I guess I should try things before wishing out loud. Seriously though this is rad. My love is deepening.