I have to say, your description of this forum really runs counter to my own experiences of it. I have asked the community multiple times for help understanding why something was not working, and I have never gotten a response that was even remotely helpful. For instance,
Even when you ask a question about Pyramid, people often respond with answers about Hapax. For instance:
Right now, as I am posting this response, only 1 of the 14 threads updated in the last two days was about Pyramid, and that was this thread right here asking if Pyramid is still supported with the release of Hapax. I think it’s very telling that this thread has so many responses, and the rare threads where people are asking for “explanations and whys” have so few responses.
From a Pyramid-user point of view, I have found this space to be like shouting questions into an empty field. There is just no one around and the people who are around want to talk about something else (Hapax) or they do not want to spend time helping others learn how to use the device.
Because of that, I think it is a really valid question to ask whether or not, with the release of Hapax, Pyramid is still supported. I felt seen when 909_State posted their question, and conversely, I felt very alienated and turned off by the responses they received for asking that question. The very first comment is super dismissive, suggesting that they should not have used the phrase “abandon-ware” and then literally changing the title for them to make it less “confrontational”. Then, there is another individual who felt the need to lecture them on the fact that “No one should ever buy any product (of any sort from any company) unless they’re happy with what it is at the time of purchase at the price asked.”
All of this feels really dismissive and judgemental. I found those responses much more frustrating than the fact that Pyramid doesn’t do exactly what I want it to do. It kind of made me not want to come back here.
The point of my post was not to say, “hey, I just want this thing to work differently”; it was to say, “hey, some of you might want to reconsider how you responded to the original poster’s question.” The documentation for Pyramid is organized more like a quick-start guide than a comprehensive reference manual, and this forum is pretty much the only other place on the internet where one can search for answers about how the device works … but everyone on this forum is talking about Hapax, not Pyramid. As a result, it is a super valid question to ask if the device is still supported. Rather than censuring the user or lecturing them on what their expectations should have been for the device, maybe just say, “Hey, I hear your frustration. I don’t have an answer but you could ask Squarp directly through the contact form” and then move on.