Hermod Firmware Wishlist

would be helpfull.
load a project and delete a project not both confirm with X , and better they don’t stand in a row.
…in a “stressful” live situation I accidentally deleted a song.

thanks for the realy nice work!

Perhaps it’d be better if there was a protect / unprotect project option - which prevented projects being saved/deleted.

( current functionality for delete with x confirm seems reasonable to me )

Is there already a way to make the LFOs only output positive CV? An offset? Can‘t find it.

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I find it extremely odd that odd pattern lengths are not possible.

Example: a 5-note sequence with 1/16th notes.

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This always really bugged me too, would love to see that as an option in the future.

you can set odd pattern lengths… e.g set length to 5.
BUT the ‘issue’ in @wavefoldr example is this pattern length is specified in 1/4 notes. so you whilst you can have 5 x 1/4 notes - you cannot have 5 x 1/16th

this is an interesting one to post to the contact form

I wonder how it would be solved? and why the limitations?
I think the reason the limitation exists on the hermod, is because its stuck to a fixed time signature … on the pyramid you have to start switching time signatures to ‘solve’ this issue.

it’d be something that would be interesting to get some more info from squarp about - i’ve a feeling its something to do with the way they sync multiple tracks, and also using a bpm clock - rather than being a simple ‘step sequencer’ where you just advance your steps by one!


That might be requested already but I 'll give it a shot, live gate recording by using the 1-8 buttons (without the need to use an external midi controller/cv or something).
Super useful to get a feel going especially for perc/drums :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your post.
Feature requests should be submitted directly to Squarp using their Contact page at squarp.net/contact

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I have thought of this too. Would come in very handy.

I made a request yesterday to Squarp for the Randomize track via CV D to be moved out from ‘Settings > CV Transport’ (no idea why it lives there - is the last place to expect that) and into the ‘Randomize Parameter’ page. The feature request is to then allow each track to have the ability to randomize itself via a gate input (and from either A/B/C or D inputs). On top of this, I also requested for the randomization settings to be unique per Track.

I’m hoping the major update and code optimizations will see some bigger changes in the Hermod OS. Fingers crossed!

Here’s a few things I was thinking about this morning (recently bought a Bitbox Micro and it really opened up Hermod’s features for me):

  • quantize in the step mode options, so you can quantize the rhythm of the current set of notes and add more (unquantized) on top
  • duplicate, double and half tempo buttons in the step sequence mode options a la Ableton MIDI clips
  • building on the last one, maybe even the reverse/inverse/legato buttons with assignable CV gates, so instead of playing a sequence in reverse you could just flip the sequence around via CV?
  • in the chance MIDI effect an option to designate a start beat and length of effect. I figured, it could apply to a single area, and if you needed to apply it elsewhere you can use a second instance
  • a default note length for when you’re manually adding notes to a step pattern (so I can keep it small to quickly add in some drum beats after punching in a melody)
  • CV of sequence loop, so it you change the number of beats until the next sequence plays with CV

That’s it. I’ve had the Hermod for a long time now, glad to see updates are still coming in.



I have a couple questions about sequence and song mode (as of FW 1.71) that I would love to see added in a future firmware if it’s not currently possible. Forgive me if these were already asked, but I couldn’t find any similar questions via searching through old posts.

  1. Does song mode allow you to assign a different sequence loop length per sequence? From my understanding, this is a global setting for the entire project. This makes it tricky to have an A part and a B part to a song that have different time signatures. Am I missing something?

  2. Does song mode allow you to associate a “repeat” value on a per sequence basis? Something as simple as: Seq1(repeat 2x) -> Seq2 (repeat 4x) can only be done by creating a chain (S1->S1->S2->S2->S2->S2). There’s not a lot of room left there. This feature would probably be a good solution to the “Songs can only be 8 sequences long” limitation.

no, i dont believe you can do either.

please submit feature requests directly to squarp - they do not take note of requests posted on this forum - which is consided to be a community resource.

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Hey, could it be possible to mirror the display on hermod to an external device such as an iPad with the same functions or perhaps a bit more would be even better for example multiple sequencer directions (bkwd,pinpong,randometc…). But mainly my biggest issue is the small display something like a lemur like app for an iPad or any other touchable device would make a huge difference making the module faster and a lot enjoyable in my opinion.
I don’t know if it might be even possible to implement but anyway thanks for reading…hopefully it can be done …

there is no possibility at the moment…
and frankly, whilst anything is possible - I suspect its highly unlikely to be implemented.

however, please submit all feature requests to the link I posted above your post…

Hello :slight_smile: I am new here, i wish some things too:
I was a bit surprised that i can’t make “polyphonic” modulation tracks for drum racks, where gates are used to trigger drum modules and modulation to modulate the same modules, only gates played on a keyboard all at once like a poly voice. It’s like mapping to the same track 4 drum sounds in Ableton and play them on the midi keyboard all at once + having the modulation track free. Is there already a workaround for this besides the actual polyphonic track with notes and gates?

Also a bit unexpected is that i can’t change presets in external midi hardware instruments with program changes sent from Hermod in sync with the sequences. It’s like adding to the Midi Output Effect a Program Change send option, and save it into the track and project. Or something like that :slight_smile:

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Im not really sure I understand what you are trying to achieve… in terms of modular context, but then for percussion/drum in modular I don’t really use polyphony… as I don’t want cycling voice allocation.

but if you’re saying you want poly with gate+modulation, then can not just use v/oct as that modulation channel? its all cv at the end of the day.

program change - yeah, the pyramid allows of this.
but at the end of the day , hermod and pyramid have a different focus …hermod is more focused on being a brain in a modular environment , rather than being the midi beast that pyramid is… that sits in the middle of your studio. (at least thats might view )

as with all suggestions though, send to Squarp via the contact form , they are always open to suggestions and can tell you if its something they might consider adding.

Hey :slight_smile: The cv’s are not independent of gates, you can’t put 5 notes and 13 gates, but in the mod track you can do a slow modulation and put as many gates you want. Intellijel did the drum rack option in their 1U midi & expander, where a maximum of 8 drum modules can be mapped to 8 midi notes on the same channel (no cycling voice allocation), and if you don’t need all 8, you can do a drum rack of 4 gates and 4 other kind of signals.

Regarding the focus on external midi vs eurorack, i need to use it with the Expert Sleepers General CV and Disting via the midi breakout, inside the eurorack case :slight_smile: … another option but this i think is limited in terms of hardware in Hermod (?) is the Doepfer Select Bus … used by MN - Rene & Tempi, by Expert Sleepers (General CV, Disting etc), Malekko sequencers and Voltage Block … and others. They all change presets together. Hermod could do a fantastic job with Select Bus or at least Program Changes.

  • LED’s PWM noise issue fix.
  • monophonic overdub.
  • set the track length in a simpler way. (hold some button and press the last step)
  • global swing.
  • probability per step.

Sending program changes would be my number #1 request.

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