RAMPLE! New stuff from Squarp

looks interesting!
I agree audio input would have been nice.

Lets see if there is a nice & flawless midi implementation towards pyramid and hermod, then i’m in :slight_smile:

The price is nice :+1:

Very super hopeful that it can handle 2x stereo setup with stereo effects and ganged controls. Would be an insta-buy for me.

Only has one mix output, so stereo seems unlikely.

16 bit, 44100hz… Blechhhh

They definitely had my attention with the multisample thing. I immediately started thinking we could finally get a decent quality sampled piano voice in the rack in a reasonable width. But their description ONLY describes it as for drum kits, which has me wondering… Why? Surely they realized the potential that multisampling implies for ROMpler-esque functionality. (I mean seriously, this may sound like heresy, but I’d love a rompler module for layered poly pads, with envelope inputs and maybe a uO_C type of screen.)

But I would reaaallly want something higher quality than 16bit 44100khz. This is 2020 after all. I haven’t listened to a music CD in at least a decade at this point, and anyone who says they can’t hear the difference between 16bit 44100 and 24 bit 96k is… Well… lucky I guess, in an ignorance is bliss kinda way.

I think they are thinking beyond drum kits, as they mention streaming longer audio.

44.1/16 , yeah was a little surprised about that, often on embedded devices this would be to conserve memory - but if streaming not so much a requirement- I’d guess it’s down to limited bandwidth and taking multiple sample layers per 4 track. ?!

I expected to see more details on the layering side as that does appear to be the things that’s most interesting for this ?!

Edit; just noticed the manual is online

The “multi-layers behaviour” isn’t really “layering”, it’s more like “wave sequencing”. Layering options are cycle or random, this refers to the order in which samples will be played.

Yeah, I noticed that when reading the manual too.
However, I suspect it comes from the idea of velocity layers of samples - which given their midi mapping seems to be perhaps the initial idea they had in mind.

so, it’s a modular module.
hope for a standalone/desktop version at some point.