Pyramid make a sequence be half speed or double speed?

all. please keep it civil.

this is not the place to discuss feature requests, as detailed here

no one here, has any direct knowledge of how complex the request is, if its possible, if its been progressed, or when it may (or may not) be delivered.
if you want to know the answers to these, please contact squarp via the contact form.

if you have a workaround or other helpful suggestions please share - please try to make it clear, step by step instructions.

I, personally, do not think there is a ‘workaround’. as cut n’ paste are timebased - rather than simple step copies. ( * )

( * ) unlike other sequencers mentioned in this thread, the pyramid does not work in ‘steps’, rather a timeline of events. so copy n’ paste is copying a timeline. the ‘steps’ are part of a view on this timeline. this is why (I believe) when you copy/paste between two tracks with different signature the timing remains the same.