I was using MPC One with Hapax, but had lots of midi gremlins - MPC’s don’t like to be controlled, was my final conclusion. I sold the MPC and ended up using my iPad with Loopy Pro and some Novation controllers instead. I appreciate they are apples and oranges, but I only used the Loopy Pro type functionality with MPC and I find LP to be much faster to use.
Yeah its pretty bad the condition of midi on MPC im going to wait it out, i do think it will get fixed.
Its like its all on one midi channel at moment, sounds and notes getting cut off.
might focus on making some key groups multi samples from my synths in mean time
Ive tried the ipad thing but couldn’t get into it maybe because mine is an older generation and i find it much easier just use a computer
Yeah, that’s the same issues I had. Hope they sort that. I hear they’re releasing 3 new models imminently, so perhaps you might get your firmware upgrade then
I’m using an iPad Pro M1 - you can literally throw anything at it and it barley breaks a sweat.
you can map key ranges and transpose plugins/keygroups to get around the MIDI note overlap bug. not ideal but it shouldn’t be a total dealbreaker for sequencing multiple MPC programs from Hapax
Bit of a pain to do each time, but will give that a go for now thanks
so far i have paired hapax with 2 volca samples running pajen hack. i have also paired it with my x86 eurorack module that i run stuff like phaseplant in reaper and bitwig etc. this is what i bought hapax for mainly. but also hardware like opsix, shruthi, my modular system, or my rack samplers. i love the volca samples because nobody is expecting them lol
So far I’m using Hapax to sequence my Access Virus TI2, Oberheim OB X8 and Moog Sub 37. It works well and I’m just scratching the surface. It’s great to sequence drums, bass, and pads easily while allowing me play chord stabs with beats as the backing track.
I’m a bit proud of myself.
Managed to get my modular rack’s Metropolix 2-track sequencer to control the rack’s oscillators (via cv) as well as a moog Matriarch (via cv) and the Hydra Deluxe (using midi out to Hapax which then controlled the Hydra’s upper and lower parts). https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A2Ol-1UXywqnWbg7IWnbwsGZCaC3Dnl0/view?usp=share_link
Next up?
Figure out how to set up Metropolix’s slide function as enabled by the per track configurable CC that gets passed along, and how to shepherd it through the Hapax and into Hydra upper and lower parts.
Still pretty basic and sans any percussion (at least a dozen times while listening later on I was like “drums go there”)
What’s this thing? Does this just have an x86 processor and lets you load up Linux/Windows with a touchscreen? Where do you get this and is there one with inputs as well as outputs for running effects?
its just an x86 computer module. all i/o is present on the front panel with the option for rear connections for some of them. you use usb peripherals since they are widely available. i make them for whoever wants them or you can make one yourself. the screen is too small for touch control but you can hook it up if you want to. for practical use you would plug in your hdmi monitor to the forward facing plug. add an exhaust fan module for better cooling if youll be in a warm space. dm me if youre interested in more details.
how did you manage to do so? Here it seems to not record all data from Osmose via DIN Midi? Did you setup anything special on Osmoe or Hapax?
Using Hapax with a Korg logue lineup. A monologue and a drumlogue. Also have an nts-1 kit synth. It’s a fun little setup.
Edit: wanted to update my gear list here… to the addition I got a Poly synth the Minilogue XD Module, and an intellijel skiff filled with a pentamix 5 channel mixer controlling the volumes of four Rample. I sort of retired the Nts-1 but I recently hooked it up again… it’s very quiet in the mix though. New pictures of the lab later.
Also very curious how you did get this combination to work. Going crazy currently with the Hapax Osmose combi. Can get Hapax to record MPE input on both USB as DIN, but cprrect MPE playback seems impossible. Cant select virt USB 2 port on HAPAX (Why??) and strange monophonic results trying to playback recorded chords but wíth some MPE (pitchband) data on different DIN ports (using MRCC from conductive labs to filter out different ports).
Very, very annoying…
He effortlessly controls my entire studio (via MIO XL) and my two modular setups through MIDI using a simple mini-jack (D port).
I think that in the short term, it will replace my Cirklon and Nerdseq (I never thought I’d say that one day) ^ ^
hi, any chance you could share your XT definition on the definitions thread? i also have a 30 voice and after years of searching for a suitable external sequencer, hapax seems to be the one to get things done. thanks for your time if you can do so!
Sorry - I really don’t use any definitions for my gear. I tend to mainly put in a few CCs on the fly or use an external MIDI hw controller.
Lately I’ve been using Hapax +
Roland D2
Purchased as a cheap way to get JV-1080 sound module and its techno/FX presets. Hapax really shines using CCs to control volume, panning, tuning, reverb/delay, etc. per part which is hard/if not impossible on the D2 normally. D2 has 8 parts (One of them is a drum part) so lots of sounds to explore on a light-weight “toy-like” device. Has 100 User Patterns which can save the 8 parts, so it’s very simple to save and recall projects. Wish it had individual outs. Has me now looking into purchasing either a MC-909 or MC-707.
Yamaha TQ5
Lovely little 4-OP FM synth module with up to 8 part multitimbral (1 voice per part). I normally use it as a 4 part with 2 voices per part. People bag on the way the TQ5 looks, but I think it’s design is beautiful and unique. I purchased Sector101’s Datablade memory card and loaded it with all the original voice cards RCD 101, RCD 102, RCD 1000, etc. with some help from Martin over at Reface DX Legacy Project. I’d avoid buying the Radiusz Electronic memory card, it gave me noise issues when inserted.
Hey Guys. First Post here.
I built most of this setup over the last 12 months and really LOVE it!
Hapax + Oxi One. Great Combo. I use the Hapax for classic sequencing. The Oxi is great in stochastic mode for pseudo random (but musical) stuff.
Modular Erica Graphic Vco (Love it for psychedelic stuff), Rings, Plaits, and so on… work in progress (I know, it´s a big rabbithole to throw your money in, but it´s worth it hihihi)
Makenoise O-Coast lovely little synth. Sounds so different: Westcoast Baby… Was my start into (semi)modular
Future Retro XS Really nice synth which has some great sweetspots. But doesn´t work for a lot of things too. The Envelopes are pretty weird. But has Balls of Steel soundwise.
Moog little Phatty A lot of Sound for the money. Every time i think about selling it, it shows me what a beast it can be…
Roland Alpha Juno2 In some ways great, in some ways not. Thinking about selling it, but one key is dead “sigh”
Elektron Digitakt2 My first Elektron Box since i sold my OG Machinedrum years ago. It is a Key ingredient for going dawless. So much fun, very deep, but also very aproachable and hands on.
I use the computer nowadays only to play software instruments live and sample them into the digitakt. And for mixing and mastering of course. Plus FX from my Apollo to beef up the modular with Reverb, Delay and sometimes compression.
Since i went dawless, making music started to become fun again.
Great first post! How do you sequence the Digitakt? From the Hapax? Do you send program changes?
Thanks snailed.
I use the onboard sequencer because of the P-Locks! It makes it a lot more complicated (3 sequencers in total), but this way i use the strengths of all the machines. As of now, i don´t send program changes, but this could change if i decide to get on stage with my music.