Wow, can it be that the arpeggiator has no latch function!
That’s wild… can we add that a some point? or did I miss something?
Hello there! Would it be hard to implement a little Percentage option into the → Track configuration – Player → Quantization to grid?
It would probably make a huge difference and add a lot more liveliness to the overall sound, without having to opt out of quantization entirely… I’d love to have that Option! maybe in the next Firmware update? …Together with Arpeggiator Latch? Or quick select channels via Hold tracks Button & one of the 16 Buttons? : ))) looking forward : )))
I still really want to see a way to “mute” notes recorded into a pattern while allowing the MIDI input to still play that track. The current mute functionality just halts all output from a track, regardless of whether or not the notes are in a pattern or coming in from an external MIDI device.
It’s my single biggest issue with Hermod+ because any time I want to “pause” a single track’s pattern so that I can improvise something, I have to clear the pattern out, which means I can’t just restore and continue the pattern when I’m done improvising.
It’s really my biggest gripe about Hermod+!
yep. This +100
is this implemented? If so, which firmware?
It is not
New user here. After carefully evaluating the hermod+ OS 1.31 vs what I know about the pyramid, I think it could use
- ratcheting patterns effect
- param lock of all effect values for any track
- easier way to see which track you have currently selected other than going into track mode (maybe just dim LEDs on non-selected tracks, but even printing this on the step/effects pages somewhere would be super helpful)
- mute effects via cv/matrix/other track (see above)
- mute tracks via cv/matrix/other track (see above)
- name tracks
- integration with intellijel 1u midi module (or a new squarp 1u module) w/out cabling (access to midi jacks on stealth case)
- consider adding 0-10v mode for CV out (see above)
Honestly a small list! Well done Squarp!
One up for custom user scales. Could be created in a René kind of way in On Air mode.
Highest on wishlist however is the option to have different clock divisions per track.
And, as mentioned by others as well, free running tracks that can be unsynced from the sequences and keep running. Or just have there own save slots like in Ground Control for example. I guess that will involve quite some changes, but would make the module the absolute Brain I feel.
Biggest wish from me would be a way to start playback (actually mostly recording) from a location within the pattern, it’s quite currently quite slow working in the end of long patterns.
tuner has been added and I love it. Great that the Devs are listening and implementing new features. Did not knew it had one when I got mine , but it adds so much value. I use it all the time ,mainly to help fine-tune samples of my Bitbox.
MIDI to I2C Expander or just I2C for sending I2C messages from hermod to disting EX or Er301 and so on
Same for me, this is critical
I want to second this! This is also very important for me to be able to play and record notes via full range and not be limited to 5 octaves only. Its really shame that such a professional looking sequencer has such a critical limitation. Does anyone know if this is for a reason? Is this some kind of a technical hardware limitation? Its hard to believe that most users don’t care for it as I find it essential and basic function. If it dares to call itself Modular Brain, I think it should be more flexible.
Possibility to have a track lengh inferior at 16steps
That’s already possible by pressing the encoder while setting the length,
c.f. this section of the manual Hermod+ Manual | Squarp instruments
Hi, Squarp said : to create shorten pattern and after edit collapse them in a bigger one
I should had raid the manuel more carefully.
Sorry for the waste of time.
Merci Thibault et bravo a Squarp instruments.
Ah, the new 2.0 looks so good. But I’m already adding to wishlist my old wish:
Make it possible to nudge and shift the start of individual notes and steps (Not just shifting the whole track in time, with pressing and rotating the main encoder). I find it strange that you edit the pitch, length and velocity but not the actual starting time.
Too sad. On one hand a very cool update, thank you very much! But I’m sorry to say that I still miss the ability to play a track with an external keyboard or midi device while the track is muted, as it was possible with the older Hermod. This is a real “live show stopper” for me (and for many others, as you can see here). I simply can’t understand, why it seems to be so difficult to just supress the inernal sequencer events when a track is muted and still let incoming midi through process it in the fx and output the result on the cv/midi out. It’s really such a cool device but this still drives me nuts.
And another one with 2.0: I use e.g. track 1 for pitch and velocity (track 2). With the old firmware, I was able to use track 2 in parallel for pure midi. Now, it is impossible to edit the events in track 2 as it now only allows to set gates. Yes, I know, I have 8 additional pure midi tracks I liked to have most of the tracks on the first page as switching the page is a bit “brain pain” when performing. Perhaps a solution for better page switching could be to switch by quickly double pressing the track buttons (1-8 on the right) which would then toggle between 1-8 and 9-16…
… after a while of testing:
Now with 2.0 it also doesnt’t work any more to shift notes by one octave with keeping the encoder pressed while changing the pitch…
for me (really personally for me, others will love the update), there is no value in the update but more problems (see last comment) I now will downgrade to the previous version again.