Hermod+ whishlist



  1. Send program change, preferably per track pr SEQ, otherwise pr track on load (when playing new song if load-to-syncronized-playing-when-current-SEQ-is-done. Certain cc messages such as volume and pan would be really, really great as well!

  2. Mentioned before in another thread: rotate on all patterns simultaneously.

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aaw maan… I just tried to build a workaround for the missing midi output effect sending midi from one channel back to another channel listening to that channel via a midi loop – but without the midi output effect you also can’t send midi to more than one channel at the same time right? … or did I miss something?

Do you mean because you used to use multiple instances of the midi out fx? one per channel you want to send midi out to?

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yes, exactly! AND of course at specific points within the effects chain :slight_smile: that was such a powerful feature :slight_smile:

I would like to see a “Fill” effect or “Burst” effect. So I envision this being similar to the Ratchet effect but only gets triggered with a Gate on from one of the CV ins. So let’s say the effect length is 1 bar long, you could choose 1/32’s (or what ever divisors) for 50% (or whatever percent) of the length. When A Gate in is received it manually triggers the effect to do a gated ratchet like a drum fill. Or it could stay latched for as long as the gate is high. When no gate is present it does nothing. Hope this makes sense.


@synthetica I think you could use the euclidian FX for this. You can map the fills to a CV input, (gate high = all stepps are filled, gate low = no steps) and the division to another (that way you can control the speed of the “bursts” via CV) you should be able to achieve something like what you described…

And instead of a on/off Gate, you could use a more sophisticated control voltage for the fills too. That could result in more interesting rhythmic variations of the fills.

…thinking about it, I absolutely need to try this myself now! :slight_smile:

Thanks, I will also look into this to see if the Euclid FX would work.

@synthetica aaww man, it doesn’t quite work… because two things:

  1. the euclidian effect doesn’t seem to generate notes in the absence of notes in the sequencer of that channel. So you’d need to program a long note with the length of your sequence in there.
  2. The number of fills doesn’t go down to zero. So you always have 1 note (per length) that is triggering. I don’t understand why – In my world, euclidian trigger generators go from zero to the number of steps set in the length parameter… but well… this ain’t my world : )

So maybe you could set the length to 16 steps and rotate by 8 to get some sort of snare hits on 2 and 4 and then add fills via CV. But in this scenario changing the division would mess that up.

OR: you could just use the chance effect and an arpeggiator.
Choose your track, put in a single note that is as long as the sequence.
Start your FX chain with an arpeggiator and map it’s rate to a CV input.
follow that up with a Chance effect and Map a CV to “chance” → et voilà.

sorry for spamming the wishlist : )

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actually, there’s a whishlist Item in there somewhere:
Could you make the euclidian Effect go down to zero fills?
maybe just when it’s mapped to a cv input?

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I found a workaround in rotating the Euclid effect.
But yes, fill=0 would be easier (I already requested it some days ago).

I use a none latching switch to engage the fills via CV:

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I was sort of able to make this work using Euclid and a manual gate, but yea you are correct you have to have at least one note going for it to work. I think my original idea of a new fills effect would workout better then trying to modify the Euclid FX to make this work.

If used for drums via CV trigger - then no note is needed.
The Euclid effect “Note” parameter must be set to anything but “Input”.

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oh, hi @ArminSZ ! : )
despite all the cool workarounds → you’ll basically lose a track. So yes, I could see a dedicated Fill Effect would be a cool thing. Like on the westlicht Performer for example.

We don’t lose a track.
The normal programmed snare track can use an Euclid effect.
This will be triggered via CV.
Check my video - I do this with the bassdrum and snaredrum.

What we need is “fill=0” elsewhere there is always one event.

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The Hermod+ needs a setting for clock divide per track, or a clock divide effect. Possible?


Just thought I’d add my wishlist as well:

  1. I’ll echo a live keyboard input mode. Something like the Elektron Snytakt Keyboard Fold mode would be amazing. Playing in live notes or improvising on the spot with the pads limited to a scale would be a great tool.

  2. Live ratchets mode: Something like a ratchet mode for tracks would be great. A shortcut for into this mode on the Track page and being able to just hold the pad that’s associated with a drum track to do 1/16th, 1/32nd quick momentary fills etc.

  3. Individual BPM settings for tracks. A clock divider/multiplier effect would work as well.

  4. Possibility for generator for a single page in step mode.

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Ability to…

Mute Effects via CV (and midi?)
Mute Tracks via CV (and midi?)



Please, allow again to play cv/gate with an attached Midi Controller while the track is muted. This was possible with the old Hermod but now, not any more. I often like to improvise and need to mute a track to quickly play a variation manually instead listening to the sequenzed notes. Please, bring it back again, that‘s very important to me…

And another wish/suggestion: While in step mode, the notes entered from an external keyboard are played always as long the track isn‘t muted (what I want to be changed as mentioned above) but it would also be very useful to mute the notes input while a step button on the grid is hold down for that moment temporary. This would allow to quickly enter some notes or chord progressions silently while the rest is still playing. E.g. the keystep pro sequencer from arturia behaves like that and it is very, very useful.

Thank you very much in advance…