hapaxOS 2.10 - new firmware

Hey everyone,

We’ve just released version 2.10 of hapaxOS!

With 3 new effects, a new algo, new ways to edit events in STEP mode, this version is packed full of features!

To download this update, and for more details about the release, click on the link below:



Great stuff! Happy to see a stable release!

Love all of the videos lately, they always do a great job showing off the creative potential of these features.


Amazing update! Thank you again for all you hard work.

oh wow these all look like great fun and very useful! love how much y’all are keeping this up and expanding its abilities so regularly. :clap: :clap:

So many great features in this update - thank you!

Unfortunately, I’m trying to use the Hz/V setting on my Korg MS-10 and it’s not working. When I change the “CV out 1 type” in CV Gate Pedal Settings to Hz/V, the voltage output are all negative, resulting in no audible notes.

I understand the gate outputs would ideally be trigs but the gates are working for my purposes. It’s just that I get no note information from the CV out :slight_smile:

Any ideas?

arpoly is just so good. I added some swing and a randomizer effect on velocity and get instant expressive groovy jams from just playing chords.


I had the same issue. Sadly the Hapax cannot send enough voltage. If you check here: Hapax Manual | Squarp instruments


As Hapax hardware CV outputs have a range of -5V to +5V, it allows 10 octaves of V/OCTAVE notes, 8 octaves of 1.2V/OCTAVE notes, and only 3 octaves of HZ/V notes. The list below describes the notes availables when using the HZ/V standard, comparing to V/OCTAVE values:

C0 = -5V V/OCTAVE = out of range HZ/V
C1 = -4V V/OCTAVE = out of range HZ/V
C2 = -3V V/OCTAVE = out of range HZ/V
C3 = -2V V/OCTAVE = out of range HZ/V
C4 = -1V V/OCTAVE = out of range HZ/V
C5 = +0V V/OCTAVE = -5V HZ/V (lowest note)
C6 = +1V V/OCTAVE = -4V HZ/V
C7 = +2V V/OCTAVE = -2V HZ/V
C8 = +3V V/OCTAVE = +2V HZ/V
F8 = +3.42V V/OCTAVE = +4.68V HZ/V (highest note)
C9 = +4V V/OCTAVE = out of range HZ/V
C10 = +5V V/OCTAVE = out of range HZ/V

This is unfortunately a hardware limitation, due to the voltage, so we are sadly stuck with this. Korg synths don’t appear to accept negative voltages, so we’re really limited to C6 - F8. Which is a bummer to say the least.

I have a Kenton MIDI/CV converter and the highest output voltage from that appears tobe 9.33v, which is way out of Hapax’ range.

I am disappointed, been looking forward to Hz/v for a long long time, but sadly not to be…

Maybe this already came up, but does anyone have an issue with using arpoly while the sequencer is stopped?

ok stupid question: does ‘pattern trig’ = ‘free’ mean that when i invoke another pattern, it immediately switches but stays in the same relative bar and beat? or can i trigger a pattern out of time with the actual downbeat? sorry im not at my hapax.

Free just means the Pattern will continue to run or repeat as long as any other longest pattern within the Section, i believe. and no you can’t trigger a Pattern off the first beat of a measure, afaik

“RESTART” will reset the new pattern position to its beginning after a pattern change. Default value “FREE” will keep the previous pattern position : the playhead will not jump.

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Keep the pattern mode button pressed while selecting the other pattern for an instant switch.


What is your issue?

Yes, free will indeed trigger the new pattern immediately and it will start from the relative position of the previous pattern. So this is very useful to trigger a fill in (last couple of notes of the pattern play first, before it actually plays the pattern from the start), or to temporarily change a part the melody and then go back to the original, etc.

Restart will force the next pattern to always play from the start.

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Would piping Hapax cv outputs through a precision adder do the trick?

frap tools 321 for instance. Or maths. Or lots of things - using when necessary to overcome scenarios where that +- 5 needs to be 0-10v

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I don’t think that’s entirely the case but could be me misunderstanding the initial question.

When it switches still depends on the sync setting and to bypass the sync setting you press and hold the pattern mode button.

The pattern trig setting is the default value of a pattern trig mode, always restart when it switches or free, continue to play relative to previous pattern.

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Fantastic. Am loving the new features, especially Arpoly. Haven’t had the time to play with them all. I am still a newbie, can someone please tell me if in LIVE CHORD mode it is possible to get some sort of functionality as the SCALER software (not the Hapax effect). I mean, not just playing chords yourself, but letting them be suggested by Hapax, like the Scaler software? I would love to be able to come up with nice chord progressions in Hapax, according to certain styles. Also randomising them would be cool, or getting suggestions by Hapax; The sonic possibilities of Hapax would be unlimited then, a real inspiration machine…


Yes, you’re right

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Good idea, but Hapax does not do this … I suggested the same thing a while ago but the forum was not particularly receptive to the idea.

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There is a new piece of hardware proposed at NAMM 25 called Groovebox by Chordcat, a Japanese manufacturer. This does exactly that: propose nice fitting chords progressions. This would be great to have on the Hapax, so we do not have to go to a new piece of hardware or a software such as scaler.

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