hapaxOS 2.10 - new firmware

So. possibly odd question… Why isn’t the shuffle algo usable in the drum mode?

This is where I would need the shuffle algo most… On drums.

EDIT: I retract my statement. I put my drums on poly mode even though they are spread out that way and found a beat just as good as my original AND learned how to use the shuffle algo in performance… So it’s chill. Yeah, you can make some sick breaks with it and then hit undo to go back to the original pattern… or you can keep it if you want to ofc.


Apologies if this is the wrong thread to ask the question but I have tried several times to update the OS on a hapax I got recently. I tried the original and card and a new sd card and I keep getting this error.

when that happened to me i checked the filename and because i had downloaded it more than once the filename was hapax(1).bin and i had to redo the process :person_shrugging:


Thank you that could be exactly the issue! Much appreciate it!!

Shaper Effect - When applied to Pitch Bend and CC’s doesn’t seem to have any effect at all. Also the top the CC is 119?

Is there something awry here?

oh yesssss! the shaper fx is very much what i had wished for shaping automation like lfo! thank you squarp! this is so groovy!

now all we need is a shaper for automation segments. :sweat_smile:

and more tempo divisions and this will be the most excellent wobble generator known to man! and youll be able to make any hardware with midi cc wobble! i have faith in you squarp!

thanks so much for the shaper fx!

Can you get the shaper to work on midi ccs on synth tracks? Does not seem to work or have any effect on midi ccs directly on synth / poly tracks. Also the highest CC value is 119.

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Basically it wouldn’t play any sound out of my synthesizer at all when I pressed keys on my keyboard, it only worked if the transport was running, so I had to use an empty pattern to jam and hear what it sounded like with arpoly. Maybe because my transport is synced externally to my daw via CV sync? I’ll have to go back and try again, been fully inside the DAW lately.

its working on cc here

Apparently the Arpoly needs a clock running to play. Maybe try setting Send clock on stop to ON (in Sync out settings)?

Maybe we can relaunch this idea of ‘Hapax Chord suggestion mode’ for pure inspiration and jamming. perhaps we can get some support to request this as a feature. I want to get rid if my Isla Kordbot, and don’t want to buy another piece of hardware for this. It would be great just to jam with the hapax, have this integrated in the workflow, and connect it to one synth, out of the studio, away from any computer…Would be so cool

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Is/should it be possible to set the state of “Mono Edit” for a track via the instrument definitions files?


Not yet I think.
I asked them about that and some other things that aren’t possible in instrument definitions and they replied its on the roadmap for next release.
Not sure if they also include the mono edit thing, but I guess so.

i am in love with the shaper


Out of curiosity – what are you using it for? (Or how)

to shape the curve of the lfo

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what are you using it for?

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I haven’t used it too extensively, but I’m curious about ”compressing” notes to extremes in a varying fashion, shaping velocity, etc :slight_smile:

i havent tried yet but i want to see if it will put a curve on a parameter being modulated in the ‘modulation’ screen. or if its restricted to modulations coming from the fx screen only. algorithmic modulation in any capacity seems potentially dramatic if used right!

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im very happy to say it does work this way! thanks so much squarp for a most elegant implementation of the concept! shaper is my most favorite fx evaaar!