Hapax with iPad - suggestions and configurations

Hi All, I’m using Hapax with an iPad - they make a great pairing with loads of possibilities, but it also presents a few challenges and questions, so I wondered if people could share what’s working well for them and show examples of how they have stuff configured.

I’m wondering which main host to run on the ipad - it’s currently between AUM, Loopy Pro and Drambo, they all have pros and cons. Ideally I want to use AUM as the midi routing is much simpler and it’s well suited to digital mixing jobs like sending out to my eurorack for effects and mangling, but it doesn’t play nicely if it isn’t Midi Master and as far as I can gather, Hapax is much happier being Midi Master too?

I’m also wondering how people have set up midi CC templates between these 2 devices, so it’s easy to sequence modulations or use the Assign pages on Hapax to map out some controls to those handy knobs. Hapax has instrument definitions, but it seems if you want this to be repeatable that you also need to create mapping definitions in the iPad for midi mappings unless most AUv3 instruments come with default CC mappings and they’re just not reflected in the interface?


I don’t use Hapax with iPad, but I have used iPad with external midi hardware quite a lot, so if I were to configure this I’d probably use AUM as it’s quite straightforward and intuitive to route midi. I’ll assume you already have an audio/midi interface for iPad and will be routing via USB and/or DIN.

Most AUv3’s should have some default CC mappings, so you can create definition files for most of these parameters, for every app, in line with whatever you want Hapax to control. It’s best to make a new definition file for every app that you want to use, so you can quickly assign the file to the Hapax sequencer lane of your choosing. If you don’t know how to create definition files, then this post on the Squarp forum should get you started: How to sequence multiple instrument tracks Hapax

I think most AUv3 app’s will also have midi learn functionality, so you could connect Hapax and send midi cc messages in ‘Live’ mode to the iPad to get a feel for mapping custom cc messages etc. if that’s what you really need - most of the time, the standard mapping that can be found within the app or in the online manual will give you everything you need.

Hope that helps

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Thanks, yeah, AUM is my preference, I have it set to master clock with Hapax following and it seems ok for now. Using a Motu ultralite mk5 interface and going to the modular over ADAT into an ES-8 and good so far :+1:

So far, I haven’t found any default cc mappings for auv3 synths. Not a particularly exhaustive search, but Moog Model D and Animoog, Bleass Monolit and Tal Uno don’t seem to have any defaults published anywhere that I can see. I don’t mind making some mappings, saving those as profiles in AUM and then creating Hapax instrument definitions if necessary, I was just wondering if anyone had done that already to save some time.
I’ll share them round if I make my own.

Here’s my setup as it stands today.

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Ok, I see, yes, Moog apps only seem so have a few basic factory parameters auto mapped, so yes, you’d need to map manually. I can’t see any in online forums either.
I know SugarBytes apps have factory cc maps, but I really thought I’d seen more somewhere.
Good to know for future experiments.

Nice set up btw!


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I’ve only tried aum, used hapax as a sequencer, and set the midi tracks in aum, I briefly experimented sending an lfo from the hapax to aum that works but it’s a little fidgity


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