Hello, tell me what you think about this one, because I find it a little hard to play with the chord modifiers while playing with chords , wouldn’t it be nice to be able to play with the chord modifiers after recording the pattern? Because of the non destructive aspect of the Hapax I’d sought it would be already possible but it’s not. Would you like this like me? Thanks
Yes, ideally they could be automated/modulated. I’m an absolute chord nutter so I’d like to see:
root note
extension amount
extension pattern hollow/only odd/only even/all (possibly 2 or 3 slots like this, so you could say, have suspensions, add6, m/M 7ths, etc… all done generatively in a way that worked.
mode (eg allowing to play a major chord in a minor scale, etc… all the most interesting chord progressions contain non-diatonic chords,)
Some way of modulating chords, mostly remaining diatonic, but then being able to modulate non-diatonic, and do it in a functional/generative way rather than a specific manual editing of an “accidental” every time you want it. (here I’m talking about parameter modulation, rather than ‘modulating chords’ from the music theory lingo.)
This is a feature that has been requested and Squarp is working on for the next major firmware in addition to whatever else they have in the works for Chord Mode.