Feature request discussion: Chord mode combination slots


I’d like to propose a feature to Squarp, but would like to hear other user opinions before submitting that.

Initial thoughts:

Would like to see a possibility to save combinations of chord modifiers in live/chord mode using the available (8x6) pads on the right (unless Squarp have other plans for it).

e.g. pressing any number of modifier pads (including just a single one), then pressing any blank pad on the right could light that up (no palette assignment necessary imo - plain white would work just fine), and make the modifier combination accessible with a single pad tap…

pressing the saved combination pad could make the predefined combinations on the left blink, indicating which ones are stored, and allowing to change/edit the combination while holding the pad

copy/paste/delete buttons could allow the combination(s) (if several are selected?) to be migrated between tracks/projects (assuming we have a grid of 8x6 pads of combinations available per track)

layout of stored combinations (rows/cols/diag?) could be anything and up to the user’s preference

end goal: easy chord progression structure definition, storage and playability

NB! Squarp, this is not a feature request - not yet… please do not close the thread :wink:


a version of the Chord Smartpads from Pyramid would probably be pretty handy, especially with the expanded chord functions of Hapax


If I understand you correctly: this would allow to combine different chords of different scales and modifiers as “preset chords”, right? That’s actually a great idea! Currently it is not possible to play multiple chords of different scales live. Only the selected scale.

Being able to just hold a chord (+ optionally modifiers) and press a blank pad to save that exact chord as “preset” would allow you to prepare a chord combination and then play and record it live :slight_smile:


Agree! It’s easy to press a combo that works and not be able to easily replicate it.

I believe no single Hapax track is limited to project scale. Sure, it is on for all the tracks by default, but you can turn it off per track.

As for not limiting the saved slots just to combinations, but also allowing to add a note (note colour could be applied to the slot in such case, leaving white to slots where combination of modifiers are saved without a note) - I think is a naturally good idea.

I was just thinking this. It’s a great idea. There is so much unused space.

As for ideas -
Perhaps ways to force major/minor regardless of scale? Even a way to shift the scale/mode temporarily per chord would be cool and open a lot of options. (eg pscale is set to F dorian but I want to play F aeolian, or with no pscale, I want to apply scaling for a moment)


I was playing further with the scale mode today and came up with a couple more thoughts.
(Besides the fact that custom chord modifiers would be ideal (both in and out of scale))

These are my absolute utmost desire for hapax, probably beyond all other features:

Major/Minor as well as the other basic chord types diminished/augmented/etc. I play in pScale mode and this is such a basic thing in music, to drop in a major or minor where it isn’t part of the scale.

Circle of fifths laid out (in correct series) - So that you can play secondary dominants, etc.

Extensions - not necessarily every possible combination (eg 1,3,5,7,9 ; 1,3,7,9; 1,3,5,9) But what about the ability to choose the highest extension and then some kind of modifiers to drop every second note, or every third, or drop everything but the highest. Or you could approach from a different angle - instead of having the triad and 7th chord rows for playing, you just have one, but include the number of notes to play as a selection of pads.

Toggle auto-inversion - Its a pain to have to hold it down if you’re playing a whole progression you want auto-inverted.


I hope Squarp one day have a look at the OXI One chord mode - for some reason the chords that come out of that mode sound so much better / natural than the chord live mode in the Hapax. I think the chord mode in Hapax at the moment is very weak compared with the Oxi, which is a shame because the Hapax is better in every other area! :slight_smile:


dang they should bring you on to help design because these are exactly what’s needed.

I would love this. Would love to have quick access to other scales on the pads (and not through the encoder).

Perhaps the ability to save various scales to pads on the right and from there you can explore them in a progression?

These are all very good suggestions.

Would love to see more info about Oxi’s chord mode?

I am finding Hapax’s chord mode disappointing (I love the Hapax mostly). I don’t know why but I am not getting good results out of it and I rarely use it. It was a feature I was really excited about before I got the Hapax and I feel like there is so much potential for something great/intuitive with Chords that turns the Hapax into a must have.

A max for live device like Chordimist generates incredible chords and it’s really easy to get inspired as soon as you play with it (CHORDimist is an insane Max for Live chord-generating MIDI effect - CDM Create Digital Music).

I am not finding it easy on Hapax Chord mode to find anything I like. What am I missing?

“Being able to just hold a chord (+ optionally modifiers) and press a blank pad to save that exact chord as “preset” would allow you to prepare a chord combination and then play and record it live :slight_smile:
This is a great idea, absolutely would love this.

Also is there a way to change the number of notes in a chord, for example like Arturia’s Keystep 37’s ability to add notes all the way up the scale?


I agree, the Hapax chord function has a lot of room for improvement. I find it very difficult to come up with interesting chord progressions, even though to do so is easy on the OXI.

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+1 for this idea.

new to hapax but longtime pyramid user, and will be holding onto my pyramid until a similar thing is added to hapax. (hopefully it will…) my plan was originally to let go of the pyramid once i got the hapax, but quickly realized just how valuable the custom chord part of the pyramid was to me. to be able to play exactly the voicing i wanted and then save it to one pad is so useful.

maybe there could be a third mode added: scale, chord, and custom chord?

(i should also add both are truly incredible sequencers and love all the new features hapax has…)

For me I think it’s that it’s kind of given a “mechanical” solution to chord playing, that only focuses on voicing octave and diatonic chords, plus a few shapes (power chord, etc). (Gives me the impression the designers are not necessarily big harmony guys which is fine)

The voicing options provided allow a lot of variations for the basic diatonic chords, although even then, it’s kind of limited - eg what if you want a 7th and a sharp 9th note in your chord?.

I think it would be better served by applying a series of modifiers and possibly having latching/nonlatching options for the modifiers.

eg if we talk about playing in live chord mode with pScale on:

root note/scale degree selector
harmonic degree selector(s) - these don’t have to be individual pads for every single chord note, as it’d be nice to have some automation, but I do think they’re lacking many possibilities at the moment. Most notably is major/minor outside of the pScale, but also different fundamental chord types are not represented with the triads and 7ths buttons available.
Perhaps you could have like pattern of jumps, plus starting point of chord tones above root, plus width. So say in key C Major:
root (1)
chord tone pattern (degree 0:2:4)
offset (2)
major/minor 3: (maj)

This would result in

One of my favourite devices for chords so far was the squid. I think the most powerful tool there was the assignable harmonise buttons below the pads - eg -
hold and press a scale note for (m triad, M triad, m7, M7, 7, M7b5, sus2, sus4, aug, dim, etc)

Also the ability to step sequence these harmonies - rather than just step sequencing semitones, sequencing in chord/scale degrees is super helpful.

I think the only thing that really was missing from the squid system was the ability to force chords to play outside of the currently selected global/project pScale. Which honestly is an absolute must if you want to get into complex emotions.


I love the idea of sequencing chords as objects that can be modified and not just clusters of notes. Given that hapax already recognizes chords, it would be neat if you could edit a whole chord in the sequencer, or have a a chord specific sequencer.

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I’m just hoping Hapax devs are all over this thread…


everyone should send an official feature request for this:

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Request sent! :v:t3::heart:

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Hey folks,

I just wanted to share with you the response I received from Squarp regarding Chord Mode ideas. I sent them a feature request email linking to this thread, as well as the following ideas mentioned in my other thread with several feature requests: “I would like a feature that allows for the Chord Voicing Modifiers (left hand) to be used as playback performance modifiers. ie. If there is a C5Maj7 Chord programed, then you were to hold the Octave Up, Spread Up, and the Rotate +2 modifiers, the Chord would then play as a ??? If you are familiar with the Polyend Play, this would be very similar to the way its Perform Mode works on its internal tracks (it does not as of current effect external instruments with these Perform Effects).”

And here is their response: “I just answered another user about the same topic! This is a mode we want to improve since the first HapaxOs version, all your features are very close to what we already wanted to do! So it’s in our top priority for the next OS release. … we still have a lot to do in the chord mode. We will do something neat.”

So the Hapax team is definitely aware of our desires for a more full featured chord mode. I am really excited to see what they come up with!
