I’d like to propose a feature to Squarp, but would like to hear other user opinions before submitting that.
Initial thoughts:
Would like to see a possibility to save combinations of chord modifiers in live/chord mode using the available (8x6) pads on the right (unless Squarp have other plans for it).
e.g. pressing any number of modifier pads (including just a single one), then pressing any blank pad on the right could light that up (no palette assignment necessary imo - plain white would work just fine), and make the modifier combination accessible with a single pad tap…
pressing the saved combination pad could make the predefined combinations on the left blink, indicating which ones are stored, and allowing to change/edit the combination while holding the pad
copy/paste/delete buttons could allow the combination(s) (if several are selected?) to be migrated between tracks/projects (assuming we have a grid of 8x6 pads of combinations available per track)
layout of stored combinations (rows/cols/diag?) could be anything and up to the user’s preference
end goal: easy chord progression structure definition, storage and playability
NB! Squarp, this is not a feature request - not yet… please do not close the thread