External MIDI Sync?

my 2 Multiclocks are connected via a Copperlan Midi Network - and i’m distributing the 8 available clocks to all machines. I need so many different clocks, as many devices have different latency.

You’ll be able to do the same with the MioXL (leaving aside that i really don’t like their software).
I’m not to sure why you choose USB over DIN-Midi for the Hapax.
I dont trust USB in this regard.


Thanks for the insight on your setup - I’ve no idea how to set up a midi LAN network but know mioxl is capable of this.

Hmmm, I’ve got no meaningful reason, technical knowledge or expertise as to why I chose the midi over usb route, it was purely just down to available ports and ease of connection. I’m controlling 8 pieces of hardware, so figured USB may be better - I guess that may not be the case!

Do you think it would be more stable to have one MIDI DIN going out from Hapax into MioXL? Would I need to return a signal back to Hapax also?

I’ve never used a master midi controller like Hapax before, so perhaps I need to rethink the midi routing. Actually, come to think of it, I’m probably unnecessarily making too many connections from the MioXL to the other hardware. Each synth has both midi in and out connected to the mioXL (apart from a Minitaur as it only has a midi in port), however I don’t think I need any midi coming back from the synths into the mioxl anymore as the Hapax is sending out all the messages now, so perhaps I can free up some DIN ports……

Sorry if I’m blabbing on too much - perhaps I need to RTFM and some midi implementation guides - if you know of any that would help, please feel free to recommend.


the Copperlan was a ready made custom Midi over Lan solution from Alyseum.
Unfortunately it never made the big market breakthrough … this technology is really great.
What the guys from iConnectivity with the Mios do , is similar … but the usability is in my eyes crap.

I would use DIN Midi. But i have no proof that this is more stable, or better. It’s just based on my long years of experience with USB not being a very trustful connection.

You have to know if you need from every synth the IN and OUT. I don’t need it for the most synths.
Your thinking might be related to fact that this Auracle Software doesn’t allow different naming of the same Midi I/O Port number.
Say you have your Minimoog on Port 1 Out and name it Minimoog… but then the In-port is also named Minimoog, but the Minimoog might not even have a Midiout. What a crap!

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Thanks again, I’ll test out the functionality over MIDI DIN and USB and see if it’s stable before investing in an ERM unit.

I think that the return midi signals from the synths aren’t going to be needed anymore, so will rationalise the ports a bit better now that I have Hapax.

Yes, you’re correct on the mioXL routing/naming being a little limited with the DIN in and out configs. If it doesn’t work out for me, I’m not sure what more capable solutions are available on the market now, if the Copperlan isn’t sold anymore.

Some people use very old programmable Midi-Patchbays .
Thats a little adventurous to use but it works once setup .
Or it’s still possible to use Copperlan… if you find 1 or 2 used AL88c interfaces (wich is the tricky part)

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Thanks again. Will see how it works out in the current set up. :+1:

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I hope this is the right place to ask this question:

I’ve seen sync problems on Ableton with Hapax as the master clock.
I’ve turned it around and it seems to be more stable.

Now my question:
How can I set the start and stop buttons from the Hapax to Trigger the Pause and Play from Ableton.
The buttons don’t seem to give out Midi Signals, so I can’t just Midi Route them within Ableton.

Any ideas?

is Sync Out set to “Clock + Transport” in Settings?

Sync output

![](data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg height=‘256’ width=‘511’ xmlns=‘SVG namespace’ version=‘1.1’%3E%3C/svg%3E)


MIDI A/B/C/D, USB device/host
– Do not transmit clock, start and stop messages to the selected midi output.
CLOCK+TRANSPORT Send midi clock + start/stop to the selected midi output.
CLOCK Send only midi clock to the selected midi output.
TRANSPORT Send only midi start/stop to the selected midi output.

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curious if i’m the only one who’s desperately needing auto clock for the Sync Source?
The Pyramid was doing that … i could always run it without external clock and - without the need to dive into a menu - let it react to external clock.

I already sent twice feature request about it…

I’m missing it, desperation will no doubt follow once I get to the final detailing stage :laughing:

FWIW, my workflow is to record a rough song outline to audio as soon as feasible, and then once guitars and such have been added, return to detailing the MIDI side. Which will involve plenty of flipping back and forth between external and internal clock because the only possible sync-point is the start of the track, and you don’t want to test-listen to the entire thing for every single change…

I’m not sure we are getting each other.
I want the clock to come from Ableton but the start stop signal coming from the Hapax.

Ableton doesn’t need to be in EXT to do that right?

I think Ableton does need to be in Ext., at least that’s as far as I’ve gotten.

I couldn’t figure this out until I read your post :slight_smile: Its not what you need but anyone looking for Hapax clock + transport

In Live
settings > midi >
HAPAX in: enable sync and drop the box down to make sure its set to MIDI Clock
HAPAX out: ensure sync is disabled (or quickly sw sw sw sw switch the clock when it feeddsssbbbbaaaacccccckkkkkkkkkk)
The previous step adds an [EXT] button next to the tempo in LIVE. Enabling it turns off Live’s transports, and uses the external’s instead (eg the HAPAX)

SET CLOCK - So far I’ve only done this with HAPAX set to the Internal clock.
Settings >
Sync IN > Clock Source: change to INTERNAL
Sync OUT > USB Device: CLOCK+TRANSPORT (assumes HAPAX is connected via USB)

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