CV issue on Hapax

Hi all,

Hoping for input from anyone else using CV gate on their Hapax.

I have a Roland SH-101 and SH-2 both connected to my Hapax via CV/Gate however all notes played are flat by more than a semitone.

I have the CV out settings on the Hapax set to 1v/octave and the CV out range set to -/+5v

Connecting either synth to another CV/gate device like the SBX-1 works fine.

Is there something I’m missing on the Hapax or not configuring correctly?

Thanks in advance

Answering my own question with a search result I didn’t initially find!

CV calibration required - how do I achieve this without a voltmeter though?


Instead of using a voltmeter, I manually tuned one of my synths and used the gate out from the other synth to calibrate the Hapax’s CV playing the synth by hand and turning the encoder to adjust the offset with a tuner app on my phone

It was way out by about 850 on each voltage setting.

Hopefully my wasted time here helps someone else out :slightly_smiling_face: