Hi there,
I am attempting to record a pattern with Pianoteq into the Hapax. I have the Hapax connected to my PC/DAW as a USB host and a MIDI keyboard going into the Hapax through USB. Regardless of whether I’m recording or just playing, the Hapax can only transmit 16 sustained notes at a time. The sustain pedal on Pianoteq does not appear to be depressed at all on the VST, though clearly CC64 is being transmitted. If I manually depress the pedal on the software I can get more than 16 notes to sustain, so this is clearly not a software issue.
Rather, it appears to me that the Hapax is effectively setting anything depressed while CC64 is transmitted to “Hold”. I come to this conclusion based on the fact that the live mode “Hold” setting only allows for 16 notes to be held at a time.
I’ve came across this thread where it becomes apparent that this has been an issue since 1.14, but there is no response to it or any suggestion on how the matter can be circumvented or if a fix is impending. I find it odd that something that worked adequately before now functions in this way and I wonder whether the current functionality is a technical necessity or an oversight.
As it stands, this limits my use case, although I really enjoy Hapax for most of its other capabilities. If anyone can offer a suggestion on a workaround, I’d be extremely grateful.