I asked on Moddwiggler but it is not yet implemented. So I’m asking here:
I wonder if you could consider this option that to me are important.
The possibility to have different lengths of sequences per pattern like on a Arturia Beatstep Pro or a Deluge.
Per pattern. Not using a different pattern as work around. Details with exmaple in my post here if needed:
Well. I guess it’s a no then.
Tant pis.
Hapax can absolutely handle polymeters; no update required!
You can set the length of a track with the Track Settings > Length parameter. By default, rotating the encoder jumpts in 16 step increments. But if you hold-and-rotate the encoder, you can adjust it with finer resolution.
Also see the Split Bar setting:
This was answered in that Muffwiggler thread:
Mon Dec 09, 2024
I answered this back when kohpnyn asked it in 2023, but at the risk of wearing out my welcome, I want to affirm that (1) it is very easy to program polyrhythmic patterns in the Hapax and (2) it takes a few more steps to program two or more patterns to play polymetrically in the Hapax, but it’s still not that hard.
For polymetry, you need to use more than one pattern; if you program the pattern on channel 1, row 1 to 1 bar of 16 steps, and you program the pattern on channel 2, row 1 to 1 bar of 12 steps, and play all patterns on row 1 concurrently, then both patterns will loop in and out of phase with each other. If you always want the two patterns to start and reset and the same point, you’ll need to make both patterns the length of the lowest common denominator between them, which is 48 steps (16 steps x 3 bars against 12 steps x 4 bars).
What is currently not possible on the Hapax afaik, is the ability to have different lengths per “lane” on drum tracks.
But of course you could just create more drum tracks with different lengths, less confusing anyway
Yeah this is top of my want list. It sure would be a better workflow if it were more like Oxi One here.
Tonight I found there is actually a way to get polymeter on a single track. Using the EUCLID effect, you can change the number of steps in a lane. So you can have:
- Lane 1 playing at 16 steps,
- Lane 2 running at 5 steps, and
- Lane 3 running at 7 steps.
Just add two Euclid effects and assign Lane 2 to one Euclid effect, and assign Lane 3 to the second instance.
This sound good!
i guess I should share this over on that Muffwiggler thread…
This is super cool, thanks for the tip. In no time at all I put a nice beat together, I think this is going to be a frequently used tool for me.
One slight problem I’m facing with this though is the Euclid effect doesn’t have any control over velocity. I tried putting automation overtop to control velocity but it doesn’t work (I think because the velocity is in the note midi packet).
As an example, if I use the step editor to place hi hats every 16th and have a ramp function automation on velocity I can hear it has an effect. But that same automation does not affect the Euclid created notes.
I’m willing to compromise on this because it’s so cool but it does make it slightly less useful in some circumstances.
The Euclidean function is a nice workaround for creating polymeter on a single track, but I share your frustrations with its limitations. The velocity issue you’ve encountered is particularly restrictive.
I think the core problem is how Hapax implements this as a MIDI effect rather than a generative tool. While I try not to constantly compare devices, the Oxi One’s approach is more intuitive here - when you adjust steps, pulses, and rotation, it directly generates the notes on your lane. This gives you full control to edit velocities, add/delete notes, copy/paste sections, and adjust loop points as needed.
The Hapax MIDI effects system is an innovative idea, but in this case, turning the entire lane into a MIDI generator feels cumbersome, harder to visualize in context with other drum patterns, and ultimately less useful than a straightforward pattern generator would be. Having the notes actually written to the lane would provide much more flexibility while maintaining the power of Euclidean patterns.
I think I prefer just using separate tracks for different lengths…
The Oxi One and Elektron devices (Analogy RYTM mkii, Model::Cycles, etc.) all allow individual tracks (drumlanes in Hapax vernacular) to run at different lengths. I guess the root cause issue here is that something about the internal architecture makes allowing drum lanes to run at different lengths especially challenging. So we end up with an EUCLID implementation that feels like a bandaid.
I’ve seen other people, maybe you, talking about using loopback to write effects into another track. In that case it would be possible to “render” these effects and then adjust the velocity as desired. It seems a bit clunky, and my main goal is to use Hapax as a real time performance tool so it would be hard to fit that sort of workflow in for me. Still, at least the option is there and maybe it’s a good solution for some people.
I had something else in mind as a solution, which would be another page of controls for the Euclidean effect, where you could define velocities, either using the Euclid pattern (+/- rotation etc), or maybe with an LFO. I’m sure these guys have enough on their plate already, but would be an interesting future enhancement.
I was playing around today with the new effects and you can get some control over the velocity of a Euclid generator by using shaper (velocity) + lfo (shaper offset in). Kind of neat and thought it was worth mentioning in this conversation. It does affect the velocity of all lanes on the track though so limited usefulness for what we’re talking about.
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