yes and no…
so when you start a new project, it will default to 4/4 and one bar pattern, and zoom x1.
which indeed means it showing 1/16th notes, so horizontal pads = one bar or 1/16th notes.
but zoom in/out, and this obviously changes.
also if we now change the length of the bar to say 9 / 16. by default, it will now show 9 steps, so indeed one bar.
but in the settings you can change its behaviour (“Split Bars”) so that its seen as a continuation, e.g. step 10 = bar 2, beat 1 … so as it behaved on the pyramid.
I actually like split bars = on (default behaviour) alot, it makes working with polymeters much more intuitive than it was on the pyramid.
anyway, this is one area, you can choose it to behave as you prefer
I can understand that…though, id say its not an approach I tend to use.
my approach to new instruments is rather, once I get them to let them ‘lead me’ to the workflow they encourage - I find this much less ‘frustrating’
I see Hapax as a new thing, rather than a Pyramid+.
Squarp have used their experience (and user feedback) from the many years of Pyramid dev (and later Hermod) to create something new.
its natural some things have changed, polyrhythms have been approached differently because it was causing issue for many users.
of course, some users were perfectly happy with them (on the pyramid) , but you cannot just add ‘everything’ to a new product, it’ll become a Frankenstein mess of a UI.
and honestly, I think for many track elasticity will make more sense, esp those with less music theory.
and as above, I personally see this as an opportunity to look at polyrhythms in a different way.
(i.e. as stretching/shrinking time, rather than thinking of time signatures)
will Squarp add back different time signatures per track? you’ll have to ask them.
I guess technically its possible, I think the harder question is…
does it make sense? and can it be done in a way that does not confuse the UI?
(e.g. how would track elasticity and time signatures work together)
anyway, I do understand if you are thinking about buying… important to know if it can cope with your use-cases, but I guess important to be open to new ways of working?