8 pattern limit

…and another

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One + in more pattern per track

Plus one.

At least a second page with 8 more patterns per track would be awesome.

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I agree, 16 patterns would be plenty. But please make it “scrollable” instead of switching between page 1 and 2. That would be cumbersome.

how would you tell what row you were looking at?


mixture of something on one of the displays and maybe having one of every five rows be slightly brighter.

also being able to set the color of individual patterns would help and generally make the whole pattern screen way more readable


If anyone is collecting votes on this… :slight_smile:

I would love more than 8 patterns. It’s weirdly limiting. I’d love it to work like notes, where it just scrolls.

when you’re not in a project scale… haha that’s another big UX beef i have… the fact that using project scales makes the note view jump by a whole screen instead of smoothly scrolling usually just stops me from wanting to use project scales altogether :frowning:


Yeah same here


I’m using workarounds like probability, automation and different track for same device to get more out of a single pattern/project when it would be much more convenient for it to be separate tracks.

Initially getting used to Hapax I kept trying to scroll down in the pattern mode screen like on my Push.

I would absolutely love more patterns per track

Scrolling wouldn’t be hard, there’s already an implementation of that for the step notes (hold the up/down arrow and turn the note number encoder - found it by accident today).

That said 8 seems enough for me - I like the idea of being able to transition projects.

Loving my Hapax but definitely feeling constrained by the pattern limit! Scrollable and arbitrarily many would be my vote.


The 8 pattern limit is definitely an issue when writing intricate music. There are creative workarounds, but in a device like this I feel we should be past the need to use these types of workarounds.


Agreed. The workarounds for this are cumbersome and make detailed edits (god forbid re-arranging) almost too painful to bother with.

The two screens plus grid displays on Hapax make working with smaller patterns faster and easier-to-track than any other hardware sequencer I’m aware of…but I’ve found the difficulty of finding my bearings within a pattern increases worse-than-linearly with the length of the pattern, meaning I end up mired in scrolling/small-screen hell toward the middle of a composition of any complexity.

The natural solution for this issue seems to be to increase the pattern allotment, even if this means reducing max pattern length.

Color coding individual pattern pads is a fantastic idea. I have the same exact issue.

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The Deluge streams off the sdcard for its file source. This means that tracks are unlimited in size for playback. Would love to see this on Hapax because this could solve the pattern limit if ram is what’s holding it back.

i bet its code time and concept development indecision since it could go many directions. i bet we also see some solution at some point.

I understand what you’re saying, but I think it really depends on the style of music you write. I’ve reached this limit a few times recently, because what I’ve been writing recently needed lots of detail over long time spans (not prog btw, but long manually treated evolving music). In many electronic music styles, features like probability + repetition or the algorithmic sequencing features can get you a lot of variation and interest, so in this case 8 clips can get you very far. But, unfortunately, I regularly run into this limit, e.g. 6 x 32 bar patterns + 2 irregular length patterns for intro / outro.

If I could vote on any feature right now Paginated clips would definitely be my priority


Haha, sorry didn’t look at the date of your reply until now…

Bump ~ would love to hear from Squarp, if they’ve been able to look into increasing the pattern limit.

This has got to be the feature request request that would provide the most benefit to the highest number of users. Especially those of us who are using song mode, with hands too busy on other instruments to manually cue every single pattern change.

The 8 pattern limit is the only thing holding hapax back from being a complete beast of a sequencer. Let it out of its cage :slight_smile: