8 pattern limit

might be a big ask - it would be also great – if the two projects could be merged to 1 bigger project - as an option
like extra patterns - it could have a scroll to select / access additional tracks

mod note:
merged - please search the forum… for existing topics.

also ‘can X be done…’ type questions…

please raise with Squarp via the contact form ,
only the developers can answer these questions, not the community.
similarly, they can inform you if they have plans (or not) to add these features.

To the question if 8 patterns do limit or not: I come from the Roland MC 707. Here you have 8 Tracks with 16 patterns each. Just the other way around. With the 707 I seldom had 16 patterns while the 8 tracks were always used up. Having 16 Tracks is a huge improvement while having only 8 patterns is not such a big deal. Especially because the Hapax can handle way more bars. With the 707 you need to split up 16 bars into 2 patterns. I understand that 16 patterns on the Hapax would allow for more break-variations in a drum track, but how should this be implemented in the Hapax? Having an 8x16 pad matrix makes things way more accessable than with most other sequencers. Would you really do without the fluent workflow and switch banks of patterns?

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with the scroll pads (presumably) you would just scroll down to an additional page(s) “below” the first 8-pattern page. basically the same way you navigate Step/Live mode for note entry across multiple octaves. everything on the Pyramid was scrolling right-left when anything (patterns, tracks) occupied more than the 16-pad “page” you were currently on


I also sent a request for color coding clips in pattern mode…when using the song mode I end up playing each pattern of a track non linearly, usually to deal with the 8 patterns limitation, and I get confused very easily (I’m not a memory champion so might not apply for all of us).
I really hope that we’ll get extra patterns per track, I vote for >=32 :wink: (@thetechnobear I surely sent a request for that too) so I could layer my clips in a more linear (vertical) way. Would save me some headache and I’d make better use of the scene launch.
In any case the Hapax is by far my favorite all around hardware sequencer and I’m so glad it exists, even if the 8 patterns limit stays forever (I’m guess is that it won’t though)

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yep - surely this is possible to add as an update - maybe song mode cant be changed, but patterns seem feasible

I don’t know because I don’t know the capacity of its internal to do this, but hopefully, they left some room to implement so bigger changes

I would definitely be very interested by more than 8 patterns per tracks.
I’m currently working on a live for May, and I use PCs to control Unreal Engine scenes. I very quickly get to the end of one track and it’s very tedious to trigger the next PC without breaking my game haha.
16 tracks would allow for more diversity in live setup (and I could take more time and less stress to develop my live controlled video game)

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Man, some posts make you feel like you’re staring in a mirror, amirite?

Nah j/k I would have never predicted this string of words and I hope we get a video that showcases the issue.

I’ll also vote for more than 8 patterns. I’m personally hoping one day in X years we’ll see one of these Digitakt level “now with 70% more core features” updates.

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To be honest you could get a LOT of mileage with just 8 clips or 7… each can go up to 32 bars right?

But I think what would be cool is if we could “zoom out” and choose any pad from the grid that would represent an entire screen of 8 clips… That way we could chain, mute from a set of 8 then switch to others by “zooming out”. This is how polyend play does it and its really cool…

in theory, yes. but in practice, given the way Songs can only be comprised of chained Sections, it doesn’t really leave a lot of room for variations, especially on the rhythm side. like if you need to build up a drum track instrument by instrument (even just hi-hats, claps, bass drum, then full with all three), yes you can make one 32-bar pattern that brings each new sound in over 8 bars. but now you’re locked in to that full progression if you want to put that pattern in your sections. and if you want to reverse it during a breakdown, the same. having each of the four pieces to that progression as a single patterns gives you the maximum flexibility but now you only have three extra patterns to create any other variations.

(happy to see any update to the workflow that ups the absolute number of patterns available to chain in song mode, however it might be able to be implemented)

right… as I said in the first post of the thread…

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Maybe it’s already been covered but another work around to achieve more “patterns” per “track” is to copy the maxed out track to a free unused track(if you have one) and then erase the patterns in the copied track and now you have 7 new patterns to work with. Or 8 if you don’t need a mute pattern.

unless you don’t have any extra tracks to spare (and want to also utilized the dual-project feature)

Yep. Not ideal. I certainly don’t have tracks to spare.

Chrisroland: Ah yes I see. For things like that I could just run the tracks into my deluge arranger and do variations from that. But cascading sequencers like that might not be a workflow others like.

Freqout: And yes I know you said it I just was agreeing sorry if that came off as a knock on anyone

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no worries (I just picked up a Deluge myself because of things like this i was bumping up against)

I really hope they will implement a Deluge-like arranger mode as alternative to the current song mode. That’s the one thing I really miss since selling my Deluge

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I seriously doubt something like the deluge arranger must have taken a long time for development, and stands out as the only arranger of it’s type. I actually like the hapax as it is now with it’s current arranger… But we will see if they are able to do anything more.

One more vote for more patterns. :slight_smile:


and another one

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