Wrestling with HAPAX to send MIDI CC/PC

I don’t know exactly why but the Hapax can be frustrating when sending MIDI CC to my gear from Hapax.

I’ve come to the realization that sending a PC message too close to any MIDI CC message goofs something up. Either it goofs up the PC message or it goofs up the CC messages.

The HAPAX also tries to be too smart for it’s own good by refusing to send MIDI CC messages unless you change a value. Say you change a setting on your gear manually while you’re playing and want Hapax to emit a CC to return some gear to a base setting, well the Hapax will inexplicably REFUSE to send the MIDI CC message sometimes. To makes matters worse, sometimes the CC message is sent as you’d expect.

I haven’t found an elegant way around these issues. Quite frustrating.

im in love with hapax’s ability to send cc and pc and have experienced nothing but elation. what synth are you attempting to control? maybe try another midi cable? some of what you said sound like a limitation of early midi equipment that cant handle busy midi data streams. there is a setting to limit the frequency midi commands are sent for those types of synths.