When in Euclidean Mode

I like to generate rhythmic patterns using the Euclidean step mode - as im sure many others do. But it would be good to change the note value for certain steps within the euclidean pattern but i cant seem to do this?

Also if when in Euclidean mode, you access time signtures you can change the number of bests per messure ( first number ) but not the value of the messure ( second number/ push -rotate ) but…, if you come out of Euclidean , then change the signature with push/ rotate ( say 4/8) it keeps that if you then go back in to our old freind Euclidean Anyone eles notice that?

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For me Note value and polyphony. I am also wondering .

Euclidean without changeable notes is not very useful in my opinion

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I think the Euclidean mode was developed for mono percussion sequences where you have the flexibility with the encoders to very quickly rotate steps, add or subtract them and lengthen or shorten the pattern length. To have this plus being able to assign various notes would be very difficult to deploy. If you place a note on say step 3 and then you fiddle with the settings, how would Pyramid know whether you wanted to move that note with the step or not? If you move the step to another step with another note, which note wins? If you add more steps, what notes should they have? And if a new note lands on a reprogrammed step, does it replace the old one or does the old one win? It would be tricky to deploy with any consistent results and would ultimately frustrate and confuse.

You can of course bounce out you Euclidean pattern, programme notes in that, save it as a pattern and then keep filling you pattern set with different polyphonic variations.

Edit: I meant melodic, not polyphonic, although of course you could add chords to your steps too.

I did figure out a workaround where you can use the master transpose to dictate notes and the Euclid sequencer will pick them up if there’s an overlapping step. This means your Euclid pattern stays musically relevant to your other patterns even if it is rhythmically unrelated. Let me see if I can unearth the post…



Here it is…


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Thanks for the link. I didnt this would be that hard to implement, right now you can turn the main encoder while the Euclid plays and just plays the different notes, if you could record that as automation that’d work?

that would only give you one way to enter the notes, and for the way the euclid is setup now (e.g. length/rotate/# notes)
it still wouldn’t fundamentally fix the display issue - once you recorded, how would you see the notes on each step, also how do things like rotate work? what happens when you add more notes in the sequence.

its all possible, but it just wasn’t really designed that way…
( I think for right/wrong Squarp assumed you would use multiple tracks)

interestingly they seem to have changed this on Hermod, such that Euclidean is a midi FX which seems to make more sense, or at least be more flexible.

EDIT: a couple of asides
I though i could ‘fix’ this by using a scaler fx, and automate transpose, but seems to be a bug in the scaler fx and automation. (reported bug today :wink: )

like @JimBrackpool I tend, to just create the rhythm, then use consolidate to take it down to notes to edit… where you can still change the length and rotate etc.
so I tend to just use euclidean as a quick way to get things going,.


@Lazy Yeah maybe but you could easily catch a spurious note as you are rotating. And again, if you tweak the Euclid parameters (which is kinda the point of the Euclid sequencer as far as I can tell - realtime tweaking) after the fact where do the noted steps go or how do they behave?

If you’re not bothered about tweaking the rhythmic parameters once you’ve got something that works it’s only a handful of button pushes to bounce It out, drop it in a bank of patterns and then edit the notes as you like.

Personally I find this a much better way of working as I can never remember how my Euclid pattern was set up how I liked. So I capture various permutations that feel right and then string them together on grid using sequence chains, rather than free flowing live jam. But that’s just me…

Seriously, master transpose linked to your euclid track is your friend here.


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I tried with the Rand midi effect on the same channel set to Pitch and that worked but was random. Would be cool to loop thst random like on the Pamelas New Workout.

Thanks for the responses.

Squarp has confirmed transpose bug to me and said will be fixed for next release.
So we will then be able to use this to program a sequence


If you put the Scale FX after Random you get musically relevant random notes. You can then automate the scale FX to move your notes around. Chance and delay FX thereafter can add a splash of variety to the pattern. Adding the transpose FX before Chance will stir a bit of harmony into the mix. I love these FX.


I’ve been having fun using multiple tracks with various Euclidean rhythms using different notes, then sending them to a single MIDI channel. My issue has now been “bouncing” down the result to a single track, taking all that goodness that has been generated and freeing up some tracks. I just made a post about it, then found this thread. Any help/solutions?

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