What are you using for drums/samples?

Korg Drumlogue and Volca Kick.

RYTM mkII, TR-6S, Ultra Kick and Bitbox Micro

I have been using the 1010music Blackbox as well, but Iā€™m likely getting the Dirtywave M8 soon. Iā€™ll probably switch to using that and sell the blackbox. I find that sometimes I run out of sample slots on the blackbox and dealing with multisamples is really cumbersome and hard to get to cooperate how I want.

I used a tr-6s for a while, now I use an RD-9. It works well, but have to choose a subset of drums in a definition because it doesnā€™t map to every hit. Really hope we can go past 8 lanes some day.

I also have two elektron boxes, but I would rather use their sequencers, but I havenā€™t found a great way of syncing up the pattern changes nicely without a lot of friction. So I usually change it by hand and layer those in post. Iā€™m in a pretty hybrid hardware/daw world right now so thats just how I end up doing it.

Also use the RD-9 but never found the inst definition particularly useful since (i donā€™t think) it responds to any CCā€™s other than the usual note velocity. are there other parameters the definition activates i should look at?

How easy is it to make and load kits on it? Is it possible to load samples onto it from a M1 Mac? Very tempted to go the old school sampler route to pair with the Hapax too!

Depends , on what sampler , there are some modern storage options available for the older samplers , scsi2sd , hot swap drive bays , so transferring from modern computers can be easy , and there are some apps available too like translator 7 , which can convert samples into various formats.

ATM, I have an emu 5000 ultra with scsi2sd and a m2 mini , I can remove the sd card and put in my mac to transfer files, and the emu supports wav , so I donā€™t have to do any converting
thereā€™s also an old app that I use on an old MacBook with high sierra, that lets you create banks of samples and pre map them to the keys

Iā€™ve also owned a akai z4 , that had a swappable hdd and usb and it supports wav , and there was an app but support stopped for that at snow leopard.

right now im playing drums from a polyend tracker with its own live mode tweaks to keep it interesting. unfortunately i cant use its sampler from hapax. otoh its not bad sounding and live tweaks are fun and challenging. it does the thing

im also deep into Dirtywave M8 headless as a dedicated sampler/chip tune/fm/supersaw/wavetable/distortion/modulations/with deep midi control and instrument switching as well as unlimited sample length, slicing, etc. it has a really good sound and takes midi like a champ from hapax in a tiny footprint. well, teensy 4.1 to be precise!

im also adding this baby

Noice, how are you liking the M8, never heard a bad thing about it and now they have the mk2 coming out. No doubt a powerful portable device but wanted to hear if someone was using it for the voices in a setup where it is primarily midi controlled

thats me! im not using its internal sequencer. it works, dont get me wrong! but i prefer my hapax. m8 has 8 mono tracks that have random access to an instrument pool with 128 instruments set up the way you want. on any step you can switch to (any) the same sound with your built in inflections or emphasis. its very expressive. midi is tight in relation to latency which moves around each time you mount the audio device. this is the only draw back, and its only with the ā€˜open sourceā€™ version, and its because the teensy it runs on passes digital audio to the host device (raspberry pi or similar) and so latency can move from 30ms to 60 to 90 to 120 until the next session, where it moves to some other value. but the guys on dirtywave m8 discord are starting to put a DAC on the teensy, completely bypassing that whole mess. its a work in progress. soon ill have one running with no latency or at least consistent latency. this as you can imagine, is no problem for hapax, as there is an offset for literally everything midi up to 500ms forward or backward! in my opinion, the m8 sounds current and packs a ton of stuff in a tiny place and can just be an add on to my current products. and its perfectly legal. bonus!

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