Iridium doesn’t have a set midi map, you need to configure it yourself by copying a .mimap file to the sd card and then loading it by going to - global > midi > mappings > load
There are far more things that could be mapped in Iridium than the 119 maximum allowed but the following .mimap file narrows it down to the most useful:
PidForCC0 966
PidForCC2 967
PidForCC3 1003
PidForCC4 1004
PidForCC5 1005
PidForCC6 1006
PidForCC7 969
PidForCC8 970
PidForCC9 976
PidForCC10 977
PidForCC11 1013
PidForCC12 1014
PidForCC13 1015
PidForCC14 1016
PidForCC15 979
PidForCC16 980
PidForCC17 991
PidForCC18 993
PidForCC19 994
PidForCC20 995
PidForCC21 996
PidForCC22 1642
PidForCC23 1645
PidForCC24 1643
PidForCC25 1644
PidForCC26 1650
PidForCC27 1651
PidForCC28 1608
PidForCC29 1609
PidForCC30 1611
PidForCC31 1613
PidForCC32 2
PidForCC33 5
PidForCC34 6
PidForCC35 7
PidForCC36 9
PidForCC37 16
PidForCC38 22
PidForCC39 23
PidForCC40 24
PidForCC41 25
PidForCC42 26
PidForCC43 32
PidForCC44 43
PidForCC45 45
PidForCC46 320
PidForCC47 323
PidForCC48 324
PidForCC49 325
PidForCC50 327
PidForCC51 334
PidForCC52 340
PidForCC53 341
PidForCC54 342
PidForCC55 343
PidForCC56 344
PidForCC57 350
PidForCC58 361
PidForCC59 363
PidForCC60 638
PidForCC61 641
PidForCC62 642
PidForCC63 643
PidForCC64 645
PidForCC65 652
PidForCC66 658
PidForCC67 659
PidForCC68 660
PidForCC69 661
PidForCC70 662
PidForCC71 668
PidForCC72 679
PidForCC73 681
PidForCC74 954
PidForCC75 955
PidForCC76 959
PidForCC77 960
PidForCC78 961
PidForCC79 962
PidForCC80 1059
PidForCC81 1066
PidForCC82 1071
PidForCC83 1078
PidForCC84 1083
PidForCC85 1090
PidForCC86 1131
PidForCC87 1138
PidForCC88 1141
PidForCC89 1586
PidForCC90 1587
PidForCC91 2117
PidForCC92 1590
PidForCC93 1615
PidForCC94 1617
PidForCC95 1620
PidForCC96 1625
PidForCC97 1626
PidForCC98 1628
PidForCC99 1635
PidForCC100 1637
PidForCC101 1638
PidForCC102 1672
PidForCC103 1673
PidForCC104 1674
PidForCC105 1023
PidForCC106 1024
PidForCC107 1025
PidForCC108 1026
PidForCC109 1053
PidForCC110 1054
PidForCC111 1033
PidForCC112 1034
PidForCC113 1035
PidForCC114 1036
PidForCC115 1055
PidForCC116 1056
Since Iridium is bi-timbral (because it has two layers which can be mapped to separate midi channels) you can actually create separate definitions for each layer however I am just including my layer 1 definition for the sake of simplicity
The matching instrument definition for this mimap is:
VERSION 1 # Currently, this should only be 1.
# Supports all alphanumeric ASCII, and ' ', '_', '-', '+' - can also be NULL
# Can be POLY, DRUM, MPE, or NULL
# Can be A, B, C, D, USBD, USBH, CVGx (x between 1&4), CVx, Gx, or NULL
# Can be x (between 1-16), or NULL -- this is ignored if output port is not MIDI
# Can be x (between 1-16), ALL, or NULL. This definition will be ignored if INPORT is NONE, ALLACTIVE or CVG
# ROW must be between 1 and 8
# TRIG can be between 0 and 127, or NULL
# CHAN can be a number between 1 and 16, Gx, CVx, CVGx (x between 1 and 4), or NULL
# NOTENUMBER can be between 0 and 127, or NULL
# NAME supports all alphanumeric ASCII, and ' ', '_', '-', '+' - can also be NULL
# Please note this section will be discarded for tracks which are not DRUM tracks
# PC
# number must be either:
# - A number (for simple PC)
# - Three numbers, delimited by ':', which represent PC:MSB:LSB. You can put 'NULL' to not set the MSB/LSB.
# PC must be between 1...128
# MSB/LSB must be between 0...127
# CC
# DEFAULT_VALUE must be a valid number between 0 and 127
0 Filter1 Cutoff
2 Filter1 Reso
3 Filter1 Attack
4 Filter1 Decay
5 Filter1 Sustain
6 Filter1 Release
7 Filter1 Amount
8 Filter1 Velo Amount
9 Filter2 Cutoff
10 Filter2 Reso
11 Filter2 Attack
12 Filter2 Decay
13 Filter2 Sustain
14 Filter2 Release
15 Filter2 Amount
16 Filter2 Velo Amount
17 Amp Velo Amount
18 Amp Attack
19 Amp Decay
20 Amp Sustain
21 Amp Release
22 Delay Dry Wet
23 Delay Feedback
24 Delay Time L
25 Delay Time R
26 Delay Sync L
27 Delay Sync R
28 Reverb Gain
29 Reverb Color
30 Reverb Time
31 Reverb Mod Depth
32 Osc1 Fine Pitch
33 Osc1 Vol
34 Osc1 Pan
35 Osc1 WT Position
36 Osc1 WT Spectrum
37 Osc1 WT Table
38 Osc1 WT Stepped
39 Osc1 WF Shape
40 Osc1 WF Desity
41 Osc1 WF Spread
42 Osc1 WF PW
43 Osc1 WF Sync
44 Osc1 PT Position
45 Osc1 PT Travel
46 Osc2 Fine Pitch
47 Osc2 Vol
48 Osc2 Pan
49 Osc2 WT Position
50 Osc2 WT Spectrum
51 Osc2 WT Table
52 Osc2 WT Stepped
53 Osc2 WF Shape
54 Osc2 WF Desity
55 Osc2 WF Spread
56 Osc2 WF PW
57 Osc2 WF Sync
58 Osc2 PT Position
59 Osc2 PT Travel
60 Osc3 Fine Pitch
61 Osc3 Vol
62 Osc3 Pan
63 Osc3 WT Position
64 Osc3 WT Spectrum
65 Osc3 WT Table
66 Osc3 WT Stepped
67 Osc3 WF Shape
68 Osc3 WF Desity
69 Osc3 WF Spread
70 Osc3 WF PW
71 Osc3 WF Sync
72 Osc3 PT Position
73 Osc3 PT Travel
74 Ringmod Osc1 To Osc2
75 Ringmod Osc1 To Osc3
76 Digi Former Amount
77 Digi Former Color
78 Digi Former Pan
79 Digi Former Level
80 Lfo1 Speed
81 Lfo1 Amount
82 Lfo2 Speed
83 Lfo2 Amount
84 Lfo3 Speed
85 Lfo3 Amount
86 Komplex Speed
87 Komplex Amount
88 Komplex Entropy
89 Glide Rate
90 Glide On Off
91 Unisono Count
92 Unisono Detune
93 Chorus Dry Wet
94 Chorus Speed
95 Chorus Feedback
96 Phaser Dry Wet
97 Phaser Depth
98 Phaser Feedback
99 Flanger Dry Wet
100 Flanger Speed
101 Flanger Feedback
102 Drive Amount
103 Drive Dry Wet
104 Drive Gain
105 Free Env1 Attack
106 Free Env1 Decay
107 Free Env1 Sustain
108 Free Env1 Release
109 Free Env1 Amount
110 Free Env1 Velo Amount
111 Free Env2 Attack
112 Free Env2 Decay
113 Free Env2 Sustain
114 Free Env2 Release
115 Free Env2 Amount
116 Free Env2 Velo Amount
# Lsb & msb should be between 0 and 127
# DEPTH can be 7 or 14
# For NRPN: DEFAULT_VALUE must be a valid number, either between 0 and 127 (for 7 bit NRPNs) or between 0 and 16383 (for 14bit NRPNs)
# POT_NUMBER must be between 1 and 8
# TYPE can be "CC", "PB" (pitchbend), "AT" (aftertouch), "CV", "NRPN", or "NULL" (this won't assign the pot).
# Non explicitly-defined pots will be considered "NULL"
#### For CC: Value must be a valid number between 0 and 119
#### For PB and AT, any text after the TYPE will be ignored
#### For CV, value must be between 1 and 4
#### For NRPN, value must be MSB:LSB:DEPTH, with both lsb & msb bebtween 0 and 127, and DEPTH being either 7 or 14
#### For CC: DEFAULT_VALUE must be a valid number between 0 and 127
#### For PB: DEFAULT_VALUE must be a valid number between 0 and 16383
#### For NRPN: DEFAULT_VALUE must be a valid number, either between 0 and 127 (for 7 bit NRPNs) or between 0 and 16383 (for 14bit NRPNs)
#### For CV: DEFAULT_VALUE must be either a valid number between 0 and 65535, or a voltage between -5V and 5V, e.g. "-4.25V" or "1.7V"
#### Please note default value will be ignored for PB and AT messages.
# Syntax: TYPE:VALUE
# TYPE can be "CC", "PB" (pitchbend), "AT" (aftertouch), "CV", or "NRPN"
#### For CC: Value must be a valid number between 0 and 119
#### For PB and AT, any text after the TYPE will be ignored
#### For CV, value must be between 1 and 4
#### For NRPN, value must be MSB:LSB:DEPTH, with both lsb & msb bebtween 0 and 127, and DEPTH being either 7 or 14
# This section will be readable from Hapax.