Some feature requests I put in

I sent a flurry of feature requests yesterday, maybe people are interested in some of these:

  • Harmonic random note - like the harmonizer, but outputs just one of the intervals, with possibility of weights and having a matrix destination for selecting the the slot
  • Pattern row follows - could be alternative for song mode
  • Song sections keeping pattern mutes (this one seems like maybe an oversight)

I may have missed this one, I’ll see when squarp replies next week: putting in intervals using interval names.

Another one I don’t think I sent yet: saving effects racks (and of course tracks, too).

And plenty more ideas, but with the 2.0 update I’m pretty happy with what is there now.

I made a generative project with an arp effects track and a chord transpose track in 16 with random bar playback.

You can modulate the heck out of the arp, scaler, random, etc and get lots of interesting things.

And now that we have algos for automations, and they can apply to effects parameters, it’s like we have an additional 64 lfos per track. Oh and automation lfos can modify effect lfo parameters.

Pretty awesome stuff!