Sections with deselected items

I’m using sections to make up a track but if i mute a track and save the section the track is no longer muted when re-loading the track. (raised a bug for this)

Apart from reserving an empty track 16 and selecting that, is there another way to have a section with only the tracks i want selected?

I’m afraid, currently there is no way to stop a pattern, except by selecting another empty pattern slot or by muting it. But since mute doesn’t actually stop a pattern, but rather filters the output of the whole track (so even when you launch a different pattern, it will still not output midi), I think this is the reason it is not saved within the section.


Bumping this as I don’t find the answer.

So I’m trying to arrange a song with sections. And noticed the mutes don’t get saved. So… Do I really have to select an empty pattern slot instead?

The manual on the usage of sections does not provide a lot of info.

yup you have to leave one of the 16 empty to keep it mute just now. hopefully something they’ll change in the future.

Too bad :frowning: bit of a step down from the pyramid I would say

Selecting pattern 16 is an option of course. Won’t dare selecting pattern 8 as I regularly need more than that and things would become a mess quickly.

I really like the concept of sections, a lot easier to manage vs the Pyramid, however for performing the sections, the pyramid is better (just follow the lights, no need to use screen and encoder, less chance of things going wrong).
Really hope they implement some of that missing functionality!

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