Sample Share - 7 kits with 12 layers

Hey guys! I’ve been making kits for Rample today (with a drumsynth VST I really like - it’s called DrumSynth500 or something), each voice in every kit having 12 layers, where I’ve tried to make all the layers sound like variations of the original voice, so to speak, so that when playing them back it’ll sound somewhat like playing a drum rack or whatever.

Anyways, I was going to record a demo and upload to Soundcloud, but I have no minutes left there, so fuck it - just download and check it out if you want to.

All sounds are organized in kits from H1 to H7. Just drag and drop them onto your Rample SD-card.

Download here (right click and save as):[MarsMelons]

I’ll probably share some more eventually if you guys like 'em. :slight_smile:


Whoah! These are seriously cool! Thanks for sharing with everyone :slight_smile:


Only happy to give something back - glad you liked them. :slight_smile:

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This is amazing! Thank you so much. It’s hard work organizing all the kits perfectly like this, let alone making such incredibly nice sounds.


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