Sample packs suited for Rample?

not sure… I think you’d probably have to rename/move things around a bit, rather than use ‘as-is’ - no?

kits on the Rample are limited to 4 slots, but can have many layers - but this is interesting, since layer can be used for so many different things (variations or completely different hits)

also in slicer mode it could be possible to use as sample chains (not tried this yet!)

also we can now have stereo samples :slight_smile:

I did suggest a while back sharing sample packs for Rample (of course they need to be free of copyright!) but no response so far.

I will say when I did the bobeats pack, once I got into it, it was pretty straightforward, even using if I had to resample them to 44.1k/16bit.
the tech part was quick, most of the effort was just deciding what to put together (as layers) and what to keep separate - as this determines what can be played together or not.

I have to say, in the past I’ve not really been into samplers - so Im really completely unorganised in this area - and so not got around to doing what Ive wanted, but do want to do some more - particularly some long form samples created from my own music/gear.

Which begs the questions (samplers in general, but particularly with the Rample)
How many people use use packs?
How many create their own samples?

if most are into the later, perhaps users could share tips about their workflows.