Request: roll types

rolls that diminish velocity, rolls that increase in velocity, rolls that get slower, faster


for drum tracks? you can draw the velocity roll in the 2d screen

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ive been programming my drums in poly mode. i have some to learn yet. my feeling is this is a quality design. i mean when you hold a note down you can then set the roll rate but im doing it in poly mode. im unsure what the difference would be in drum mode. i think the roll function in poly mode would be more dramatic if you had the choice to add some nuance

programming drums in step mode as a drum track definitely makes velocity automation faster. only tradeoff is 8 drum lanes (instrument sounds) versus however many you can assign a note value to in normal step mode. but the velocity control on a drum track really is much more tailored

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‘algo’ appears to be sort of what im interested here


Yes please. I like that on Elektron sequencers, like the Syntakt, you can ramp up or down velocity and do drum rolls that fade out and sound more human. Another idea would be to allow slide trigs of some sort, this way you could support a variety of different kinds of ramping. Velocity, retrig speed, etc.

I’ll have to mess with algo though for this though and see if it works for me. I also think using the “echo” effect and automating it off/on might work for a ramp-down style roll.

EDIT: Ohh… I’m going to mess around with something. See if I can get some combination of using echo with envelope to get a bouncing ball retrigger. Maybe use the note sidechain to trigger the envelope?


Love this idea!

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Coming back to report. automating the echo effect is a fine way of introducing decaying rolls, it may even be preferable to drawing velocity automation. It unfortunately cannot achieve a bouncing-ball type of effect to my liking. Perhaps with algo you can, I’m still trying to wrap my head around how to use algo. I think I got close with automating rolls with a ramp type…

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Has anyone sent this request to Squarp yet? Perhaps direct them to this thread and let them know there are several people interested in this feature. Contact us | Squarp instruments

Hey, why don’t I just send the feature request? Ok. Done! :+1:t3:


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did way back when i started this thread

What about LFO for velocity?