Request Help with JP-8080 Hapax Instrument Definition File

Hello all. First post.

Hapax is awesome, and this seems like a really cool community. I’m glad to have found both.

I’d like to create a Hapax instrument definition file for my Roland JP-8080. Even with the editor (thank you maxhodges!), I’m not sure how to approach it. With two midi inputs that function differently, the 8080 is… a little different than what I’m used to.

Anyone out there willing to share their insight and/or a working definition file(s)?

Thanks in advance

Just approach like any other synth?
Iirc the normal midi in bypasses the arpeggiator? So thats the one you’d want to use.
There’s not much more special about afaik

Thanks. I was getting some unexpected results with pc messages (without a definition file), which made me think I was using the wrong input or needed both somehow.

Turns out, I need to use MSB and LSB. A little time with the manual goes a long way. Heh!

Appreciate the encouragement. Giving it a go!