Brand new to Pyramid. I’ve been trying without luck to record the MIDI out of my Torso T-1 into Pyramid. I have clock in and start/stop enabled on the Pyramid and have confirmed that T-1 is sending both. I’ve confirmed that quantisation is disabled on Pyramid.
Pyramid will record a few notes (not more than will fit into 16 steps) but the timing is different from what is being sent. I also get a lot of stuck notes.
Any suggestions?
Sounds like you have a midi through loop.
Make sure the midi thru is disabled, and that no notes are being sent by the Pyramid to the T-1 (for example use the 2nd midi out and set it to clock only)
Thanks for your reply. A reasonable conclusion however the MIDI out of Pyramid is only connected to the synth. the T-1 has nothing connected to its MIDI in.
I’m not totally sure what you are wanting to do but maybe try setting the MIDI ECHO setting on Pyramid’s MIDI IN Settings to AUTO A (or AUTO B, if you are using that output).