Recording and Detecting CC messages from an external device

yes, if you send it CC whilst recording, these are recorded on to the track as automation

I dont think the automation value changes as you turn a CC unless you are recording.
(though, Id have to double check this … it might :wink: )
however, you have a ‘midi monitor’ on the pyramid (menu->info) , so that you can see incoming midi if necessary.

you can also use midi learn with midi cc when you want to do assignments.

so most of the time with the pyramid, you dont really need to know the cc# when using an external controller/synth that sends CC.

(sorry, to be a bit vague in parts, Im getting a little confused these days about whats on the pyramid and the hapax :wink: )

btw: someone also create an instrument definition file for the Novation Drumstation,
so you should get nice names for CCs too.

note: I dont have one, so I dont now how complete this is.