rampleOS 1.2 - new firmware

Hey everyone !
We’re happy to announce rampleOS 1.2 !

This one’s a good one, folks, there’s now stereo support !

This new firmware fixes some bugs, and adds new features.
To download this update, and for more details about the release, click on the link below:



cool, stereo streaming samples, open up lots of new opportunities !

yay… also ‘Autosave current kit: Rample will load the last kit you used on start-up.’ :slight_smile:

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So much good news today for use Squarp-ettes.

Development is coming along nicely! :+1: :+1:

inserting rample.bin File to SD Card, should i replace the old .bin File or add it? thanks!

Replace it

Full instructions for updating the OS here

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