Rample began crashing after week or so of normal use

this is not normal behaviour…

if you are on the latest firmware, and have reformatted the sdcard and added kits,
then Id say its likely one of :

a) something wrong with sdcard
given you said, you reformatted, Id assume you used the same card?
is this the original card that came with Rample? (you need a decent quality card, as its live streaming from it)
Id be tempted to try a different card, sdcard do occasionally fail… and its a quick n’ easy thing to try

this has been (by far) the most common issue… mainly caused by the first firmware release corrupting kits on the sdcard.

b) power issue
not very common issue, but all digital modules can be prone to power related issues.
so you could try putting the module in another rack on its own (or unplug things from your rack) to see if its an issue in combination with another module.

c) faulty module hardware
apart from the sdcard, and rample having issues with loading a kit(s), there is no other reason for it to freeze.
so unfortunately, id suspect the hardware. in this case you will need to contact squarp via the contact form

sorry, thats pretty much all we have seen on the forum afaik.
except the initial sdcard issue on release, Ive found the rample very reliable.