The last few days Pyramid won’t let me save to memory new tracks/parts.
“Name already exists!” appears every time.
Might the SD card be full? If not, what can it be?
- Just checked memory. 1.3 GB free!
The last few days Pyramid won’t let me save to memory new tracks/parts.
“Name already exists!” appears every time.
Might the SD card be full? If not, what can it be?
Hi @juradub,
I don’t know if this might be the problem but there is a limit of 256 projects that you can save to the root directory on an SD with the Pyramid. I would have expected a different message to appear than the one you got but, I don’t know, perhaps that is the message it gives whether you try saving a project with the same name or whether the 256 project limit has been reached. Do you have that many ‘projects’ saved on the (root directory of your) SD card? The way you say, ‘Pyramid won’t let me save to memory new tracks/parts’, makes me wonder if perhaps you might be using ‘SAVE AS’ and giving a new name to a project each time that you make small alterations to your project, such as creating a new track. This could mean that you would reach that limit relatively quickly, so perhaps that is what has happened.
Another possibility might be that the SD card has become corrupted.
I don’t really know, though. I think it’s best to backup your work regularly, storing old projects you might want to keep elsewhere ideally (though you could create a folder on the same SD card for old projects/backups just so they are not on the root directory). But all this will depend on how you like to work and what options you have for storage.
Hopefully someone with more knowledge and/or experience will chip in, because I don’t know much about this. I thought at least if I posted a reply it would keep the topic open for a while longer so that that might happen.
Hi hoofjaw,
Thanks for taking an interest in my post and fit your observations on the problems I’ve been having.
First of all I don’t save changes I’ve made to a working project by renaming it or saving it as another. I can see why you think that would max out the root directory. I have been in touch with Tom at Squarp and he suggested the SD card may be corrupted so I formatted a fresh SD card and got the same error message. Pyramid is saying No SD card when it’s inserted.
Tom is sending me a SD card to see if that works. He’s a little bamboozled too so we’re going to try this card when it arrives. Every other function in Pyramid works fine.
I’m not really sure what the next course of action would be if this new SD card doesn’t work. The machine is only 3 years old and I bought it brand new from Squarp in Paris.
Hopefully we find a solution without having to return the device for repair. I’ll let you know how it goes. Fingers crossed!
Hi juradub,
Yes, good luck. I hope the card Tom sends does the trick. Please do let me know how it goes.