Pyramid + NDLR: Sync

This is likely basic, so advanced apologies :grimacing:

I read through this post which was useful (especially for definition file of NDLR) - but am still confused for how I’m set up and figured worth an ask here, feel like the ask is pretty simple but who knows :man_shrugging:

I want to have the NDLR be in sync with the Pyramid. So whatever I program/sequence via the Pyramid would be in sync with whatever I’m playing via the NDLR, say, a motif. I don’t even want to control anything on the NDLR via the Pyramid, just want them to be in sync.

Pyramid A (DIN) > Mio XL

I’m guessing I have to do the right combo of clock sends or something here between both machines?

i’m able to play the NDLR via USB1 - but I’d love to get the start / stop and clocks for both to be in sync. Thx if anyone has any ideas, peace!

Your NDLR has to be on USB1. (Or midi B).
Now on the Pyramid ensure that the midi OUT settings for your port (A) are set to send clock and Start/Stop.
SYNC midi A: SEND.

(Start from pyramid indeed

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@Gamahachaa brilliant, i was way overthinking that, thanks so much, cheers!

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