Problems syncing Hapax to Pro Tools

I am having problems with Hapax synced to Pro Tools. It works fine with Ableton Live and Logic, perfect sync. But, with Pro Tools, there’s a huge lag that’s unusable.

The setup for both DAWs is identical. Hapax sync in to USB Device. All drum machines and synths are connected to the Hapax via MIDI 5-pin.

Has anyone had issues syncing with Pro Tools? Any helpful solutions? Thanks!

for a guaranteed sync, set up a track with dedicated output to a dc coupled interface to hapax cv input, trigger a square wave with positive leading edge on 64th notes and set up sync input to cv in 1, restart on clock input and resolution at 64th notes.

You don’t even need a dc coupled output. Just regular audio also works, just make sure you set the cv input range to -1V > +1V.

See for more information: Hapax Manual | Squarp instruments

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I found this section in the manual: “Audio synchronization from a DAW : enable sample-rate precision

But, I don’t know how to generate the signal in pro tools. Is there a plugin?

You can just send a audio pulse sample or you can use a third party tool, like the E-RM Multiclock plugin.

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Yes! Thank you for the help. Works perfectly. I had to build the clock track manually, but I’ll find a midi plugin to automate playing the sample in time with the DAW tempo.

It’s a relief to take MIDI out of the equation for this.

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You seem like you have this dialed in… why won’t the tempo of my audio sample (the one squarp provided) follow the tempo of my daw? The whole process works perfectly except it’s always at 120. Warp is engaged on the clip but it doesn’t stretch or contract.

In Pro Tools, I loaded the sample into the free Groovecell sampler and ran it at 1/32. The sampler follows the tempo of the track.

Otherwise, you have to build your click track by hand. Elastic audio is problematic for me.

If you’re using Ableton, download the CV Tools and use that instead.

all you need is to chop off the first cycle of the wav they provided and trigger it at the resolution you choose, 64th notes work for me. dont even worry about stretching the audio, just make sure its positive edge is leading. the leading edge is all hapax looks for.

I had to change the warp setting to repitch and now it’s happy. Someone mentioned it in another thread.

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