Hello, everyone!
Even after updating to the last firmware, I get pops when using the envelope. I’m trying to use it as a basic envelope controlling a VCA to stop an oscillator from droning. What I do:
- I set two layers on track 1: Note + Mod, then I add the Env on this track.
- I send CV from track 1 to the V/Oct of the OSC
- I send CV from track 2 (mod) to the CV input of my mixer/VCA (Nano StMar)
It does the job, but the pops make it unusable. The settings on the ENV are:
Attack: 40
Decay: 0
Sustain: 100
Release: 20
The rest of the settings are set by default.
I’m curios if anyone else has this problem too. When I use the same setup, but with Instruo Ceis as an ENV instead of the Hermod+, everything works perfectly.
Thanks a lot.