Possible to have different effects on each pattern on same track?


Are the effects global on each track? I was hoping they were saved per pattern 1 to 16 on the track. The way I like to work is create a simple pattern on say pattern slot 1, copy it to slot 2 and and some effects etc, the copy to slot 3 and change the effects again to evolve the pattern. Is this possible?


Locking effect parameters to patterns

Effect parameter values are per-track by default, but it is possible to lock some values to the current pattern.

This way, each pattern can hold different parameter values for the same effect.

While an effect is selected and the left screen is displaying the effect parameters, Hold 2ND and Press the associated encoder to toggle the param locking.

Below you can see an arpeggiator effect with 2 parameters locked: Octave and Repeat.



Tip In the context menu of an effect, Hold 2ND and Press TOGGLE ON/OFF to lock the effect mute/unmute on the selected pattern.
ON* (or OFF* if the effect is muted) will appear on the top of the context menu, indicating that this value is locked on this pattern

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Yeah, as described above, parameter locking is the way to go. This has a limitation in the number of effects you want to use and the order, since you can’t change the effect type or order per pattern. So as long as you’re using the same types of effects, or at least not more than 8 types in total and the order isn’t relevant, this will totally work.

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Oh my this is a game changer for me! Thank you, I’ve just tried this and it works. Your reply was so well written.

Now I’m trying to understand quantisation on the Hapax :slight_smile: I come from the Digitone sequencer you see, I used that a lot with quantise and recording melodies live and it would snap the note on the grid with no micro timing (u time?). If I turn on quantise on a track on Hapax as 1/16 like the Digitone and live record it still adds the micro timings or u time to each note I play instead of snapping to 0.

I’m not sure if that makes sense, but I wonder if there was a solution?

I think quantise is non destructive, so it doesn’t move the notes to grid like a daw
But it’s easy to quantise it yourself by holding all and pressing down on the utime encoder that reset it to 0
You can also select parts of the grid by holding down 2 empty pads