Pattern Speed (ie: half-time, double-time)?

I’ve check the manual and the forum and haven’t seen this asked, so forgive me if I missed it; I know you can double or halve the length of a pattern using 2ND and +/- or left/right, but am I overlooking an option to double or halve the speed of a pattern? I know there’s track elasticity, but that’s not at the pattern level, and being able to press something like ‘2ND and down’ to spread out the notes to play in half time would be a lot easier than manually re-programming it.

My workaround at the moment is to duplicate the drum track and set its track elasticity, but that effectively means my drum machine takes up two tracks rather than one (or twelve tracks instead of six if I’m programming each drum separately). I’ll gladly submit a feature request if this hasn’t been addressed before.


i know some drum-n-bass producers prefer to set a half tempo of their track’s ultimate BPM (90 bpm tempo in the sequencer for a 180 bpm track, e.g.) and then just basically program double the steps per pattern. which seems to have the added benefit of allowing for triplet-style programming if you need it

I’m having a hard time understanding how that would work. May I ask you to elaborate on that?

on Pyramid, for example, if you are programming 16 steps at normal resolution the “fastest” you can repeat a given note/step is 1/16th. if you halve the tempo and double the pattern length you’re essentially increasing resolution to 1/32d

This to me feels like a simple feature that 90 percent of step sequencers have.

Adding per pattern playback speed doesn’t make the track elasticity less cool or increase any clutter or complexity to the brilliant and direct interface that hapax already has.

This is why I have a hard time finding a reason not to add this feature.


Hello, bumping this because I try to reproduce a 16 step sequencer on the Hapax to bypass the DSI Mopho’s and I really miss some features along time divisions (Elasticity for pattern maybe?). For example I would like to trigger sequences like you would do with an arpeggiator ( note trigger with gate or hold and latch ) . Do you think a Step Sequencer can be useful as an FX or maybe a gate function to launch pattern?

Best to all