Pattern section saves


On the pattern page I’ve been saving sections to what patterns I need in each, but also muting some entire tracks too, but I’m not sure if it’s me or I’m doing some thing incorrect, but if I for example mute track 1 and save as ‘Section A’ and unmute track 1 and save as ‘Section B’ then if I go back to ‘Section A’ the track will be unmuted as if this a global change, is that right? If so what is the workaround? What I started doing is instead of muting an entire track is to choose an unused pattern slot instead.


Thats right, mutes are not saved.
In the last firmware version 2.03 they added option to stop tracks, which should solve your use case

  • SONG: Sections can now contain ‘stopped’ tracks
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I’m running that version, I’ve not seen an option to ‘stop’ a track in the pattern section, I’ll have another look.

Out of interest what were others doing before this update?

I haven’t used it yet, I was still using the “old method” (see below), should be updated in manual though. Perhaps you can just deselect the pattern or something?

Using an empty pattern

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On the topic of empty patterns I learned something useful recently, you can quickly make an empty pattern by setting the pattern length and next action. Previously I was adding a muted note or similar.

Not sure if this is in the manual, if it is I missed it.