Pattern lenght of 3 or 15?

How to make a pattern of 3/16 long ?

How to make a pattern length that is not a multiple of 4 ?

Don’t you just hold down the length/y button in step view and turn the encoder to the desired length?

No, in step mode when zoom is 4 and length is 4 you have 16 steps.
So :
Lenght = 1 ------> 4 steps.
Lenght = 2 ------> 8 steps.
Lenght = 3 ------> 12 steps.
Lenght = 4 ------> 16 steps.

I can’t make a loop pattern with the intermediate numbers of step like 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9…15, 17 etc.

I have midi sync the hermod (slave) to my arturia beatstep pro (master) to check that zoom=4/length=4 is one bar of 16 steps and it is.