Output pure CV values to control pitch - workaround

Not sure if this has been requested before, or if it’s really practical, BUT I would love to have a STEP CV mode which isn’t constrained to note values (C 3, D#3 etc) but instead would be pure voltage values mapped on the pads. I’m working on some atonal stuff and using a workaround:

Set track output = CV/GATE 1
Leave CV1 output unconnected
Connect Gate 1 output to synth VCA
Connect CV2 output to synth VCO

This way the notes sequenced on the pattern will only trigger the gate without any pitch information. Then I’m using an automation lane for CV2 (connected to synth VCO) for pitch, allowing unquantized voltage values to be output to control pitch.

Is there a better workaround, please let me know if so. This works well but at the cost of losing one CV out.

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you could add an fh2 and have as many cv outs as you wanted at high res

Care to elaborate? What is fh2?

This post was more about getting more mileage from the Hapax without any external gear. It’s possible as it is but could be implemented in a more user-friendly way.

its an expert sleepers module. just a suggestion.

This could be done (as I see it) at the bare minimum so that the CV/GATE output selection would be independent for CV and GATE. The way it’s implemented now is CV1 is always outputing to GATE1, CV2 to GATE2 and so on.

I realise this probably isn’t an issue for many, as I imagine any modular heavy-user already has a capable sequencer and maybe only clocking it from the Hapax and doing any atonal sequencing in the modular realm.

But for those of us that have one or two semi-modular synths with cv/gate inputs this would open up a new way to sequence.

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yes this is how i send cv to my semi modular stuff and any cv gear to send as subtle a voltage as i wish, its all 14 bit so you can hit more than 127 values. youre concerned with the number of cv outs hapax has? this is one way to fix it. its a single usb cable with a magnetic end so nothing will happen to it when you accidentally pull the cable.

Yes I’m concerned of making use of every CV output I might need, but more about making sequencing voltage values easier.

I mean it would be awesome if you could set the voltage value in step mode with the note gate, instead of going back and forth between automation and step mode.


i see. you wish to specify a fine voltage arbitrarily with ease from the interface without following a scale specifically. is that right?

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Exactly. Instead of having C 3 etc on the note you would have 2.562 volt etc.

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could be interesting! especially if your tricks are based on fine tunings.


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