Novation Summit and Peak Instrument Definition (Comprehensive)

Well this was a job of work! I Hope it’s useful to some.

It’s got pretty much everything thats crammed into the Synth although I left out the Mod Matrix source/destination NRPNs Mod Matrix depths are in there though.
… I have always longed to modulate the modulations ;o)

This quest has thrown up some instrument definition questions though but I’ll ask that separately I guess. But first some sleep.

VERSION 1 # Currently, this should only be 1.

# Supports all alphanumeric ASCII, and ' ', '_', '-', '+' - can also be NULL

# Can be POLY, DRUM, MPE, or NULL

# Can be A, B, C, D, USBD, USBH, CVGx (x between 1&4), CVx, Gx, or NULL

# Can be x (between 1-16), or NULL -- this is ignored if output port is not MIDI


# Can be x (between 1-16), ALL, or NULL. This definition will be ignored if INPORT is NONE, ALLACTIVE or CVG

# ROW must be between 1 and 8
# TRIG can be between 0 and 127, or NULL
# CHAN can be a number between 1 and 16, Gx, CVx, CVGx (x between 1 and 4), or NULL
# NOTENUMBER can be between 0 and 127, or NULL
# NAME supports all alphanumeric ASCII, and ' ', '_', '-', '+' - can also be NULL
# Please note this section will be discarded for tracks which are not DRUM tracks

# PC
# number must be either:
#   - A number (for simple PC)
#   - Three numbers, delimited by ':', which represent PC:MSB:LSB. You can put 'NULL' to not set the MSB/LSB.
# PC must be between 1...128
# MSB/LSB must be between 0...127

# CC
# DEFAULT_VALUE must be a valid number between 0 and 127
3:64 Osc1 Range
14:64 Osc1 Coarse
15:64 Osc1 Fine
9:64 Osc1 Mod2Pitch
16:64 Osc1 LFO2Pitch
12:64 Osc1 Shape
119:64 Osc1 Mod1Shape
33:64 Osc1 LFO1Shape
34:0 Osc1 VSync

37:64 Osc2 Range
17:64 Osc2 Coarse
18:64 Osc2 Fine
38:64 Osc2 Mod2Pitch
19:64 Osc2 LFO2Pitch
39:64 Osc2 Shape
40:64 Osc2 Mod1Shape
41:64 Osc2 LFO1Shape
42:0 Osc2 VSync

65:64 Osc3 Range
20:64 Osc3 Coarse
21:64 Osc3 Fine
43:64 Osc3 Mod2Pitch
22:64 Osc3 LFO2Pitch
71:64 Osc3 Shape
72:64 Osc3 Mod1Pitch
73:64 Osc3 LFO1Shape
44:0 Osc3 Vsync

5:60 Glide Time
35:0 Glide On

23:127 Osc1 Mix
24:0 Osc2 Mix
25:0 Osc3 Mix
26:0 RingMod Mix
27:0 Noise Mix

80:0 Filt OverDrv
36:0 Filt PostDrv
75:127 Filt Track
79:0 Resonance
29:127 Cutoff
28:64 LFO1-Filt
76:0 Osc3-Filt
77:64 Amp-Filt
78:64 Mod1-Filt

86:0 Amp Attack
87:90 Amp Decay
88:127 Amp Sustain
89:40 Amp Release

90:0 Mod1 Attack
91:75 Mod1 Decay
92:35 Mod1 Sustain
93:45 Mod1 Release

94:0 Mod2 Attack
95:75 Mod2 Decay
117:35 Mod2 Sustain
103:45 Mod2 Release

30:64 LFO1 Rate
81:16 LFO1 SyncRate
82:0 LFO1 Fade

83:0 LFO2 Range
31:64 LFO2 Rate
84:12 LFO2 SyncRate
85:0 LFO2 Fade

104:0 Dist Level
108:0 Delay Level
109:64 Delay Time
110:64 Delay Fbk
112:0 Reverb Level
113:90 Reverb Time
105:0 Chorus Level
118:20 Chorus Rate
107:64 Chorus Fbk

116:64 Arp/Clock Gate

114:0 Animate1 Hold
115:0 Animate2 Hold

# Lsb & msb should be between 0 and 127
# DEPTH can be 7 or 14
# For NRPN: DEFAULT_VALUE must be a valid number, either between 0 and 127 (for 7 bit NRPNs) or between 0 and 16383 (for 14bit NRPNs)
0:2:7:3 Voice Mode
0:3:7:0 Unison
0:4:7:25 Unison Detune
0:5:7:0 Spread
0:51:7:0 PanPosn
0:52:7:0 Spreadmode

0:7:7:64 PreGlide

0:9:7:0 Diverge
0:10:7:0 Drift
0:11:7:127 Noise LPF
0:12:7:0 Noise HPF

0:14:7:2 Osc1 Wave
0:15:7:4 Osc1 WaveMore
0:17:7:0 Osc1 SawDense
0:18:7:0 Osc1 SawDetune
0:19:7:0 Osc1 FixedNote
0:20:7:76 Osc1 BendRange

0:23:7:2 Osc2 Wave
0:24:7:4 Osc2 WaveMore
0:26:7:0 Osc2 SawDense
0:27:7:64 Osc2 SawDetune
0:28:7:0 Osc2 FixedNote
0:29:7:76 Osc2 BendRange

0:32:7:2 Osc3 Wave
0:33:7:4 Osc3 WaveMore
0:35:7:0 Osc3 SawDense
0:36:7:64 Osc3 SawDetune
0:37:7:0 Osc3 FixedNote
0:38:7:0 Osc3 BendRange

0:41:7:64 PatchLevel
0:42:7:127 VCALevel
0:43:7:127 DryLevel
0:44:7:127 WetLevel

0:45:7:1 FiltSlope
0:46:7:0 FiltType
0:47:7:1 FiltEnvSelect
0:48:7:0 FiltDiverge

0:55:7:64 AmpVel
0:56:7:0 AmpTrig
0:60:7:64 Mod1Vel
0:61:7:1 Mod1Trig
0:64:7:64 Mod2Vel
0:65:7:1 Mod2Trig

0:68:7:0 LFO1Range
0:69:7:0 LFO1Wave
0:70:7:0 LFO1Phase
0:71:7:0 LFO1Slew
0:72:7:0 LFO1FadeIn-Out
0:75:7:0 LFO1Oneshot
0:76:7:0 LFO1Common

0:78:7:0 LFO2Wave
0:79:7:0 LFO2Phase
0:80:7:0 LFO2 Slew
0:81:7:0 LFO2FadeIn-Out
0:84:7:0 LFO2OneShot
0:85:7:0 LFO2Common

0:88:7:0 FXBypass
0:89:7:0 FXRouting

0:91:7:0 DlyRatio
0:92:7:64 DlyWidth
0:93:7:0 DlySync
0:94:7:4 DlySyncTime
0:95:7:85 DlyLPDamp
0:96:7:0 DlyHPDamp
0:97:7:32 DlySlew

0:101:7:2 RevType
0:102:7:50 RevLPDamp
0:103:7:1 RevHPDamp
0:104:7:64 RevSize
0:105:7:64 RevMod
0:106:7:4 RevModRate
0:107:7:74 RevLPF
0:108:7:0 RevHPF
0:109:7:40 RevPreDly

0:111:7:2 ChorusType
0:112:7:64 ChorusModDpth
0:113:7:90 ChorusLPF
0:114:7:2 ChorusHPF
0:115:7:0 Ch-Fl-Ph

25:0:7:0 LFO3Wave
25:1:7:64 LFO3Rate
25:2:7:0 LFOSyncRate
25:3:7:0 LFO4Wave
25:4:7:64 LFO4Rate
25:5:7:5 LFO4Sync

25:6:7:0 TuningTable

25:9:7:0 Filtshape
25:10:7:64 FiltSeparate

25:11:7:0 ExtAudIn

25:13:7:0 FMOsc3-1
25:14:7:0 Env2Osc3-1
25:15:7:0 LFO2Osc3-1

25:17:7:0 FMOsc1-2
25:18:7:0 Env2Osc1-2
25:19:7:0 LFO2Osc2-1

25:21:7:0 FMOsc2-3
25:22:7:0 Env2Osc2-3
25:23:7:0 LFO2Osc2-3

25:25:7:0 LFO3Sync
25:26:7:0 LFO4Sync

25:27:7:0 Env1Loop
25:28:7:0 Env2Loop
25:29:7:0 Env3Loop

25:30:7:0 Env1Del
25:31:7:0 Env2Del
25:32:7:0 Env3Del

25:33:7:100 ArpChance

25:34:7:0 Anim1Att
25:35:7:0 Anim1Rel
25:36:7:0 Anim2Att
25:37:7:0 Anim2Rel

25:38:7:0 LFO3Phase
25:39:7:0 LFO3Slew
25:40:7:0 LFO3Fade

25:41:7:0 LFO4Phase
25:42:7:0 LFO4Slew
25:43:7:0 LFOFade

25:44:7:0 Deltype
25:45:7:0 DelOutput

1:2:7:64 ModMx1Depth
2:2:7:64 ModMx2Depth
3:2:7:64 ModMx3Depth
4:2:7:64 ModMx4Depth
5:2:7:64 ModMx5Depth
6:2:7:64 ModMx6Depth
7:2:7:64 ModMx7Depth
8:2:7:64 ModMx8Depth
9:2:7:64 ModMx9Depth
10:2:7:64 ModMx10Depth
11:2:7:64 ModMx11Depth
12:2:7:64 ModMx12Depth
13:2:7:64 ModMx13Depth
14:2:7:64 ModMx14Depth
15:2:7:64 ModMx15Depth
16:2:7:64 ModMx16Depth

17:2:7:64 FXMx1Depth
18:2:7:64 FXMx2Depth
19:2:7:64 FXMx3Depth
20:2:7:64 FXMx4Depth
21:2:7:64 FXMx5Depth
22:2:7:64 FXMx6Depth
23:2:7:64 FXMx7Depth
24:2:7:64 FXMx8Depth

# POT_NUMBER must be between 1 and 8
# TYPE can be "CC", "PB" (pitchbend), "AT" (aftertouch), "CV", "NRPN", or "NULL" (this won't assign the pot).
# Non explicitly-defined pots will be considered "NULL"
#### For CC: Value must be a valid number between 0 and 119
#### For PB and AT, any text after the TYPE will be ignored
#### For CV, value must be between 1 and 4
#### For NRPN, value must be MSB:LSB:DEPTH, with both lsb & msb bebtween 0 and 127, and DEPTH being either 7 or 14
#### For CC: DEFAULT_VALUE must be a valid number between 0 and 127
#### For PB: DEFAULT_VALUE must be a valid number between 0 and 16383
#### For NRPN: DEFAULT_VALUE must be a valid number, either between 0 and 127 (for 7 bit NRPNs) or between 0 and 16383 (for 14bit NRPNs)
#### For CV: DEFAULT_VALUE must be either a valid number between 0 and 65535, or a voltage between -5V and 5V, e.g. "-4.25V" or "1.7V"
#### Please note default value will be ignored for PB and AT messages.
1 CC:29:127 		#Cutoff
2 CC:79:0		#Resonance	
3 CC:108:0		#DelLev
4 CC:112:0		#RevLev

# Syntax: TYPE:VALUE
# TYPE can be "CC", "PB" (pitchbend), "AT" (aftertouch), "CV", or "NRPN"
#### For CC: Value must be a valid number between 0 and 119
#### For PB and AT, any text after the TYPE will be ignored
#### For CV, value must be between 1 and 4
#### For NRPN, value must be MSB:LSB:DEPTH, with both lsb & msb bebtween 0 and 127, and DEPTH being either 7 or 14

# This section will be readable from Hapax.


Great work! Does this work for the Peak as well?

Just done a quick test and I think it should be totally fine for Peak too.
I changed the topic title to show it’s also appropriate for Peak.

There will be a few of the controls that are not included on Peak therefore not available such as Env Loop switches, Filter Separation, Ext Audio level and Direct FM controls and a handful of others. Other than that it should be good to go.

BTW I spotted hadn’t added the Env Loop amounts last night (these will work with Peak) so you may want to add them to the Inst Def file.

The lines are:

0:58:7:0 Env1Reps
0:63:7:0 Env2Reps
0:67:7:0 Env3Reps

Stick them in the NRPN section and your’e good to go.


Thank you very much!

Thank you!!!

Sorry if I’ve missed something here, but will this definition file work for the Pyramid as well?

No, these files are a bit different.

This definition is not compliant with the supported syntax, and will break with 1.12

Note: Assign section does not define ‘DEFAULT’ value correctly

Is there a working version of this?

Also How do i download this as a text file needed for hapax?

This one works with the current (1.13) firmware, Assign section from the original definition is fixed. And i’ve added the missing mentioned Env Loop Amounts.

VERSION 1 # Currently, this should only be 1.

# Supports all alphanumeric ASCII, and ' ', '_', '-', '+' - can also be NULL

# Can be POLY, DRUM, MPE, or NULL

# Can be A, B, C, D, USBD, USBH, CVGx (x between 1&4), CVx, Gx, or NULL

# Can be x (between 1-16), or NULL -- this is ignored if output port is not MIDI


# Can be x (between 1-16), ALL, or NULL. This definition will be ignored if INPORT is NONE, ALLACTIVE or CVG

# ROW must be between 1 and 8
# TRIG can be between 0 and 127, or NULL
# CHAN can be a number between 1 and 16, Gx, CVx, CVGx (x between 1 and 4), or NULL
# NOTENUMBER can be between 0 and 127, or NULL
# NAME supports all alphanumeric ASCII, and ' ', '_', '-', '+' - can also be NULL
# Please note this section will be discarded for tracks which are not DRUM tracks

# PC
# number must be either:
#   - A number (for simple PC)
#   - Three numbers, delimited by ':', which represent PC:MSB:LSB. You can put 'NULL' to not set the MSB/LSB.
# PC must be between 1...128
# MSB/LSB must be between 0...127

# CC
# DEFAULT_VALUE must be a valid number between 0 and 127
3:64 Osc1 Range
14:64 Osc1 Coarse
15:64 Osc1 Fine
9:64 Osc1 Mod2Pitch
16:64 Osc1 LFO2Pitch
12:64 Osc1 Shape
119:64 Osc1 Mod1Shape
33:64 Osc1 LFO1Shape
34:0 Osc1 VSync

37:64 Osc2 Range
17:64 Osc2 Coarse
18:64 Osc2 Fine
38:64 Osc2 Mod2Pitch
19:64 Osc2 LFO2Pitch
39:64 Osc2 Shape
40:64 Osc2 Mod1Shape
41:64 Osc2 LFO1Shape
42:0 Osc2 VSync

65:64 Osc3 Range
20:64 Osc3 Coarse
21:64 Osc3 Fine
43:64 Osc3 Mod2Pitch
22:64 Osc3 LFO2Pitch
71:64 Osc3 Shape
72:64 Osc3 Mod1Pitch
73:64 Osc3 LFO1Shape
44:0 Osc3 Vsync

5:60 Glide Time
35:0 Glide On

23:127 Osc1 Mix
24:0 Osc2 Mix
25:0 Osc3 Mix
26:0 RingMod Mix
27:0 Noise Mix

80:0 Filt OverDrv
36:0 Filt PostDrv
75:127 Filt Track
79:0 Resonance
29:127 Cutoff
28:64 LFO1-Filt
76:0 Osc3-Filt
77:64 Amp-Filt
78:64 Mod1-Filt

86:0 Amp Attack
87:90 Amp Decay
88:127 Amp Sustain
89:40 Amp Release

90:0 Mod1 Attack
91:75 Mod1 Decay
92:35 Mod1 Sustain
93:45 Mod1 Release

94:0 Mod2 Attack
95:75 Mod2 Decay
117:35 Mod2 Sustain
103:45 Mod2 Release

30:64 LFO1 Rate
81:16 LFO1 SyncRate
82:0 LFO1 Fade

83:0 LFO2 Range
31:64 LFO2 Rate
84:12 LFO2 SyncRate
85:0 LFO2 Fade

104:0 Dist Level
108:0 Delay Level
109:64 Delay Time
110:64 Delay Fbk
112:0 Reverb Level
113:90 Reverb Time
105:0 Chorus Level
118:20 Chorus Rate
107:64 Chorus Fbk

116:64 Arp/Clock Gate

114:0 Animate1 Hold
115:0 Animate2 Hold

# Lsb & msb should be between 0 and 127
# DEPTH can be 7 or 14
# For NRPN: DEFAULT_VALUE must be a valid number, either between 0 and 127 (for 7 bit NRPNs) or between 0 and 16383 (for 14bit NRPNs)
0:2:7:3 Voice Mode
0:3:7:0 Unison
0:4:7:25 Unison Detune
0:5:7:0 Spread
0:51:7:0 PanPosn
0:52:7:0 Spreadmode

0:7:7:64 PreGlide

0:9:7:0 Diverge
0:10:7:0 Drift
0:11:7:127 Noise LPF
0:12:7:0 Noise HPF

0:14:7:2 Osc1 Wave
0:15:7:4 Osc1 WaveMore
0:17:7:0 Osc1 SawDense
0:18:7:0 Osc1 SawDetune
0:19:7:0 Osc1 FixedNote
0:20:7:76 Osc1 BendRange

0:23:7:2 Osc2 Wave
0:24:7:4 Osc2 WaveMore
0:26:7:0 Osc2 SawDense
0:27:7:64 Osc2 SawDetune
0:28:7:0 Osc2 FixedNote
0:29:7:76 Osc2 BendRange

0:32:7:2 Osc3 Wave
0:33:7:4 Osc3 WaveMore
0:35:7:0 Osc3 SawDense
0:36:7:64 Osc3 SawDetune
0:37:7:0 Osc3 FixedNote
0:38:7:0 Osc3 BendRange

0:41:7:64 PatchLevel
0:42:7:127 VCALevel
0:43:7:127 DryLevel
0:44:7:127 WetLevel

0:45:7:1 FiltSlope
0:46:7:0 FiltType
0:47:7:1 FiltEnvSelect
0:48:7:0 FiltDiverge

0:55:7:64 AmpVel
0:56:7:0 AmpTrig
0:60:7:64 Mod1Vel
0:61:7:1 Mod1Trig
0:64:7:64 Mod2Vel
0:65:7:1 Mod2Trig

0:68:7:0 LFO1Range
0:69:7:0 LFO1Wave
0:70:7:0 LFO1Phase
0:71:7:0 LFO1Slew
0:72:7:0 LFO1FadeIn-Out
0:75:7:0 LFO1Oneshot
0:76:7:0 LFO1Common

0:78:7:0 LFO2Wave
0:79:7:0 LFO2Phase
0:80:7:0 LFO2 Slew
0:81:7:0 LFO2FadeIn-Out
0:84:7:0 LFO2OneShot
0:85:7:0 LFO2Common

0:88:7:0 FXBypass
0:89:7:0 FXRouting

0:91:7:0 DlyRatio
0:92:7:64 DlyWidth
0:93:7:0 DlySync
0:94:7:4 DlySyncTime
0:95:7:85 DlyLPDamp
0:96:7:0 DlyHPDamp
0:97:7:32 DlySlew

0:101:7:2 RevType
0:102:7:50 RevLPDamp
0:103:7:1 RevHPDamp
0:104:7:64 RevSize
0:105:7:64 RevMod
0:106:7:4 RevModRate
0:107:7:74 RevLPF
0:108:7:0 RevHPF
0:109:7:40 RevPreDly

0:111:7:2 ChorusType
0:112:7:64 ChorusModDpth
0:113:7:90 ChorusLPF
0:114:7:2 ChorusHPF
0:115:7:0 Ch-Fl-Ph

25:0:7:0 LFO3Wave
25:1:7:64 LFO3Rate
25:2:7:0 LFOSyncRate
25:3:7:0 LFO4Wave
25:4:7:64 LFO4Rate
25:5:7:5 LFO4Sync

25:6:7:0 TuningTable

25:9:7:0 Filtshape
25:10:7:64 FiltSeparate

25:11:7:0 ExtAudIn

25:13:7:0 FMOsc3-1
25:14:7:0 Env2Osc3-1
25:15:7:0 LFO2Osc3-1

25:17:7:0 FMOsc1-2
25:18:7:0 Env2Osc1-2
25:19:7:0 LFO2Osc2-1

25:21:7:0 FMOsc2-3
25:22:7:0 Env2Osc2-3
25:23:7:0 LFO2Osc2-3

25:25:7:0 LFO3Sync
25:26:7:0 LFO4Sync

25:27:7:0 Env1Loop
25:28:7:0 Env2Loop
25:29:7:0 Env3Loop

0:58:7:0 Env1Reps
0:63:7:0 Env2Reps
0:67:7:0 Env3Reps

25:30:7:0 Env1Del
25:31:7:0 Env2Del
25:32:7:0 Env3Del

25:33:7:100 ArpChance

25:34:7:0 Anim1Att
25:35:7:0 Anim1Rel
25:36:7:0 Anim2Att
25:37:7:0 Anim2Rel

25:38:7:0 LFO3Phase
25:39:7:0 LFO3Slew
25:40:7:0 LFO3Fade

25:41:7:0 LFO4Phase
25:42:7:0 LFO4Slew
25:43:7:0 LFOFade

25:44:7:0 Deltype
25:45:7:0 DelOutput

1:2:7:64 ModMx1Depth
2:2:7:64 ModMx2Depth
3:2:7:64 ModMx3Depth
4:2:7:64 ModMx4Depth
5:2:7:64 ModMx5Depth
6:2:7:64 ModMx6Depth
7:2:7:64 ModMx7Depth
8:2:7:64 ModMx8Depth
9:2:7:64 ModMx9Depth
10:2:7:64 ModMx10Depth
11:2:7:64 ModMx11Depth
12:2:7:64 ModMx12Depth
13:2:7:64 ModMx13Depth
14:2:7:64 ModMx14Depth
15:2:7:64 ModMx15Depth
16:2:7:64 ModMx16Depth

17:2:7:64 FXMx1Depth
18:2:7:64 FXMx2Depth
19:2:7:64 FXMx3Depth
20:2:7:64 FXMx4Depth
21:2:7:64 FXMx5Depth
22:2:7:64 FXMx6Depth
23:2:7:64 FXMx7Depth
24:2:7:64 FXMx8Depth

# POT_NUMBER must be between 1 and 8
# TYPE can be "CC", "PB" (pitchbend), "AT" (aftertouch), "CV", "NRPN", or "NULL" (this won't assign the pot).
# Non explicitly-defined pots will be considered "NULL"
#### For CC: Value must be a valid number between 0 and 119
#### For PB and AT, any text after the TYPE will be ignored
#### For CV, value must be between 1 and 4
#### For NRPN, value must be MSB:LSB:DEPTH, with both lsb & msb bebtween 0 and 127, and DEPTH being either 7 or 14
#### For CC: DEFAULT_VALUE must be a valid number between 0 and 127
#### For PB: DEFAULT_VALUE must be a valid number between 0 and 16383
#### For NRPN: DEFAULT_VALUE must be a valid number, either between 0 and 127 (for 7 bit NRPNs) or between 0 and 16383 (for 14bit NRPNs)
#### For CV: DEFAULT_VALUE must be either a valid number between 0 and 65535, or a voltage between -5V and 5V, e.g. "-4.25V" or "1.7V"
#### Please note default value will be ignored for PB and AT messages.
1 CC:29 DEFAULT=127 		#Cutoff
2 CC:79 DEFAULT=0		#Resonance	
3 CC:108 DEFAULT=0		#DelLev
4 CC:112 DEFAULT=0		#RevLev

# Syntax: TYPE:VALUE
# TYPE can be "CC", "PB" (pitchbend), "AT" (aftertouch), "CV", or "NRPN"
#### For CC: Value must be a valid number between 0 and 119
#### For PB and AT, any text after the TYPE will be ignored
#### For CV, value must be between 1 and 4
#### For NRPN, value must be MSB:LSB:DEPTH, with both lsb & msb bebtween 0 and 127, and DEPTH being either 7 or 14

# This section will be readable from Hapax.

Great to have this.

Validation Failed


✓ Valid

track Name

✓ Valid


✓ Valid


✓ Valid

out Channel

✓ Valid


✓ Valid

drum Lanes

✓ Valid


✗ Invalid default specifier: ‘64’. ‘DEFAULT’ must be uppercase.


✗ Invalid default value format: 0:2:7:3 Voice Mode

try VOICE_MODE (no space)

also, since it’s TYPE POLY you can remove all this

# ROW must be between 1 and 8
# TRIG can be between 0 and 127, or NULL
# CHAN can be a number between 1 and 16, Gx, CVx, CVGx (x between 1 and 4), or NULL
# NOTENUMBER can be between 0 and 127, or NULL
# NAME supports all alphanumeric ASCII, and ' ', '_', '-', '+' - can also be NULL
# Please note this section will be discarded for tracks which are not DRUM tracks

I’m not sure that i got your message.
What are those tests? Where they’re coming from?
I’m using the PEAK definition i’ve posted earlier, and it works (2.10 hapaxOS ver).
If you’re encountering an issue, and know how to fix it, could you post the corrected definition in such case? That would be very helpful.

Sorry for the confusion!
Space was not an allowed character, so Voice Mode should be VoiceMode or Voice_Mode. But I wrote Squarp about this recently and they confirmed that they now allow more characters (but failed to update their template.) So you can disregard!

I’ve updated my validator with the new rules.You can find it here:


You wrote a validator! Such a nice tool, thanks for that!
I’ll try to use it to improve rythm and virus definitions, it should be much easier to iterate on them.

Maybe it worth trying to contract forum admins and asking them to pin a link tho your tool in this subforum?

Thanks again for your work.

sure! if you have any feedback or ideas on how to improve it, do let me know!

crazy, I was just watching your Leploop video tonight, then I noticed your name here… same guy right?