Note repeat like on Ableton Push?

Perhaps I’m missing something obvious, but is there a way to set notes to repeat when holding down a pad in live mode where you can change the repeat duration/interval like on a Push? If not, this would be an awesome function to add.

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Is that like a fill or subdivision or is it looping the note/section?

Using the echo effect ?

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It would be more like looping the note selection. I suppose you can replicate with a full but that would have to be predetermined rather than being able to spontaneously create the fills in the live drum mode. I want to be able to hold down say two different velocity pads on a snare it clap set ti 1/16th notes to create basically spontaneous fills, or even ti record them into the pattern.

Echo might kind of work, I’ll have to try it out. Tho I wish there was just a note repeat mode you could turn on in the live drum mode. Then you could set to 1/16th notes and use both hands to do closed and open hats at different velocities. I know there are plenty of ways to program this type of pattern in but would be dope to be able to play it in love like that.

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I never used a push, and not sure I get your velocity stuff, but if I get it putting an output to second track with a filter before and setting the lo and high to assign pots to control which note you wish to let through at will. Or simply assign a pot to the echo on off to toggle it (and other pots to play with the Echo velocity params).

Good idea - note repeat like on an MPC would be useful.

except MPC has a dedicated button to trigger it in real time

I’m sure a button could be appropriated for a secondary function.

Arpeggio in Chord mode?

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Euclidian also does the job