Thanks again to the very-helpful folks who replied to my first post!
I bought a Pyramid, have had it for 24 hours, have overcome all the initial technical obstacles, and am in the middle of translating a previously-written song into a Squarp-powered arrangement.
I’ve been keeping it very simple. Using four pieces of vintage hardware: an SCI Drumtraks, SCI Sixtrak, Roland MKS-50 and Roland JX-3P.
To keep it simple, I am using the SCI Drumtraks as the clock, and am using previously-programmed drums I’d already created on the Drumtraks. It’s about a 5-minute song.
Per some of your helpful suggestions, I am using my Keystep Pro as an external midi keyboard…and am running the SCI Drumtraks’s clock through the Keystep into the Pyramid.
I’m using just three tracks on the Pyramid for this initial song (one track each for the Sixtrak, MKS50, and JX-3P).
I’ve broken down the 5-minute song into 7 patterns of various lengths (from 8 bars to 29 bars).
Everything is working perfectly! The Pyramid is exactly what I’ve been searching for. (I’m sure the Hapax will work even better at some point in the future when I’ve gained more experience.)
My question: there is a 16-bar instrumental/solo section (am playing electric Baritone guitar over all of this) before the final verse in (the key is C minor)…these 16 bars are where I would like to try one of the ways the Pyramid can take the song to an unpredictable place.
Does anyone have a favorite feature/go-to move to recommend I try first? I’ve read the manual and watched several YouTube videos, and see several ways to approach it…just wondering if there’s a particular methodology (the Euclidean features, etc.) I should attempt first…I’m clocking off the SCI Drumtraks so it would have to be a non-drum-centric method.