For performance, I really like to have clear immidiate acces to track mutes, and to have very clear feedback on what is muted.
As is, we don’t have one-button muting, and to me, the visual feedback of muted tracks is not as strong as I would like.
At first I thought I would just use the lowest pattern row (in pattern view) to use empty patterns there for muting. This way is how I like it: Direct and with excellent visual feedback. However, I soon realised, that when using song mode, this method does not work, since your muted track (using the empty pattern method) becomes unmuted everytime the song goes to the next section.
I have now been thinking a lot about how to improve the muting (according to what I like), and this is my proposal:
Make it a user option to be able to sacrifice the lowest pattern row, and instead gain a row of dedicated mute buttons. These mute buttons will have two new colours (that can be set in the palette menu), one for unmuted and one for muted. (If possible it could be nice to be able to set muted tracks, to not just a separate colour, but also blinking/not blinking.)
All current mute functions should be kept as they are, since they are still useful for muting when you are not in pattern mode. And the setting regarding muting timing (instant / timed) should apply to both ways of muting tracks.
I think this would be a great asset to intuitive live performance (in the pattern view), for those who are willing to have just seven rows of patterns.
(Have sent this to Squarp, but wanted to share it here also.)