Mix Mutes real world use


I was wondering how mix mutes work in real world scenarios after watching the mix mute video on youtube, how does this work? What if project A is sending midi on channel 1 for example and then project B is also sending midi on channel 1 do you need to setup projects very carefully to use this feature and I guess also whatever instruments you are sequencing?

Interesting question. I haven’t used it much yet, but I think currently you can activate both patterns simultaneously so they will both spit out midi merged to the same output and midi channel. Same thing with 2 tracks in the same project with the same output port and channel.

However, it would be very convenient if Squarp would add an option to automatically stop any patterns of the other project when you launch a new pattern in the next project that has the same output port and channel. This would make project transitions a lot easier, since you don’t have to think about it to stop the “clashing” patterns that are still running when you launch a new one.

I’ll send this as a feature request to Squarp :slight_smile:

“it would be very convenient if Squarp would add an option to automatically stop any patterns of the other project when you launch a new pattern in the next project that has the same output port and channel”

is this not currently the case?

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