Minilogue + hermod + disting ex poly wavetable issue

Hi there community, I am getting mad about trying to get polyphony through HERMOD, I use my minilogue as a midi keyboard that is connected to HERMOD midi in and then my disting ex with the poly wavetable algorithm cv / gate pair to HERMOD cv / gate number 1, I know I cannot achive polyphony with just one cv / gate, but could HERMOD act as a midi breakout in order to get that polyphony through the keys of my minilogue? Any help would be much appreciate it. thanks in advance.

This isn’t really about the hermod so much as how the disting is being triggered and a single cv is difficult to make polyphonic. At most you might get a paraphonic chord mode. The easiest way to get polyphony with the disting ex is to get the midi breakout for it.

Thanks a lot dstengle, every single advice is going that way, I really appreciate your help.

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