MIDI issue w/Hapax

I’m getting some really weird behavior with MIDI on my Hapax.

It’s no longer sending out any MIDI data that’s coming in from outside the HAPAX, but it is seeing it … and will record it.

Example: I have a synth plugged into the Hapax (DIN or USB Host port, tried both). I hit record on the Hapax and play notes from the synth. The notes will be recorded in the Hapax sequencer, but are not heard (Local: OFF on the synth) and are not played out to the output port on the channel.

Even weirder, when I play back the recorded sequence, the notes aren’t sent to the MIDI Out port.

BUT, if I play notes from the Hapax, either via live mode or by entering them manually into the sequencer in step mode, THOSE notes will play just fine.

I have re-installed the 2.03 firmware.

This effectively makes the Hapax unusable for recording external MIDI, and the only way I can play via synths connected to it now is to turn Local ON.

Hello, do you use effects plugins on the track? Because Chance or Scaler can filter notes out if they are engaged (ON)…

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That wasn’t it, though I could see how that could cause similar problems.

Something must have gotten messed up in the specific project file I was working with - I started a new project and it was fine. Also was able to load other project files without issue, but that one seems to be corrupted. :man_shrugging: