I’m getting some really weird behavior with MIDI on my Hapax.
It’s no longer sending out any MIDI data that’s coming in from outside the HAPAX, but it is seeing it … and will record it.
Example: I have a synth plugged into the Hapax (DIN or USB Host port, tried both). I hit record on the Hapax and play notes from the synth. The notes will be recorded in the Hapax sequencer, but are not heard (Local: OFF on the synth) and are not played out to the output port on the channel.
Even weirder, when I play back the recorded sequence, the notes aren’t sent to the MIDI Out port.
BUT, if I play notes from the Hapax, either via live mode or by entering them manually into the sequencer in step mode, THOSE notes will play just fine.
I have re-installed the 2.03 firmware.
This effectively makes the Hapax unusable for recording external MIDI, and the only way I can play via synths connected to it now is to turn Local ON.